@startuml SignUp
hide footbox
actor Client
boundary GUI as gui
box Account system #LightBlue
control "Account api" as api
entity Account
database "Journal" as journal
end box
box Notification system #AntiqueWhite
control "Notification \nEvent Processor Stream" as nps
entity Notification
control "Notification Provider" as np
end box
boundary "Notification Service\n(APNS, FCM, SMTP, ...)" as ns
box Scheduler system #Plum
control "Scheduler \nEvent Processor Stream" as sps
entity Scheduler
end box
activate nps
activate sps
nps -> nps: init
nps -> journal: readOffset()
journal --> nps: offset
nps -> journal: readEventsByTag(offset)
sps -> sps: init
sps -> journal: readOffset()
journal --> sps: offset
sps -> journal: readEventsByTag(offset)
Client -> gui: Sign Up
gui -> api: POST /api/account/SignUp
api -> Account: SignUp
activate Account
Account -> Account:
alt account created
group activation required [true]
Account -> Account: generate token
Account -> journal++: persist notification(s) for **activation** (mail, push and/or sms)
return event(s) persisted
else activation not required
Account -> journal++: persist notification(s) for **registration** (mail, push and/or sms)
return event(s) persisted
journal -->> nps++: add notification event
nps -> nps: processEvent(add notification event)
nps -> Notification++: AddNotification
Notification -> Notification: create
Notification -> journal++: persist NotificationRecordedEvent
return event persisted
Notification -> journal++: persist AddSchedule
return event persisted
return NotificationAdded
return writeOffest
journal -->> sps++: add schedule event
sps -> sps: processEvent(add schedule event)
sps -> Scheduler++: AddSchedule
Scheduler -> journal++: persist ScheduleAddedEvent
return event persisted
Scheduler ->> Scheduler++: TriggerSchedule
Scheduler -> journal++: persist ScheduleTriggeredEvent
return event persisted
return ScheduleTriggered
return ScheduleAdded
return writeOffest
journal -->> nps++: trigger schedule event
nps -> nps : processEvent(trigger schedule event)
nps -> Notification++: SendNotification
Notification -> np++: send
np -> ns++: send
return NotificationSent
return writeOffset
Account -> journal++: persist AccountCreatedEvent
return event persisted
Account --> api: AccountCreated
api --> gui: http 201
gui --> Client
else #Pink account already exists
Account -> api: AccountAlreadyExists
api --> gui: http 400
gui --> Client
else #Pink passwords not matched
Account -> api : PasswordsNotMatched
api --> gui: http 400
gui --> Client
else #Pink invalid password
Account -> api: InvalidPassword
api --> gui: http 400
gui --> Client
else #Pink login already exists
Account -> api: LoginAlreadyExists
api --> gui: http 400
gui --> Client
You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
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