The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP) is a variant of the classical VRP where more than one depot is considered. These instances are used in the literature to assess the performance of proposed algorithms and methodologies to solve the problem.
The complete benchmarking set contains 33 instances dat files. Instances 1-7 have been created by [1], instances 8-11 have been described in [2], and instances 12-23 were proposed by [3]. Finally, instances 24-33 were proposed by [4]. You might also find some applications with those instances in [5]-[8].
The description of files can be found in NEO Research Group and here.
Solution files are inserted until now and the results can be found in the references.
Best regards,
Fernando B Oliveira.
[email protected]
[1] Christofides, N., Eilon, S.: An algorithm for the vehicle-dispatching problem. Oper. Res. Q. 20(3), 309–318 (1969).
[2] Gillett, B., Johnson, J.: Multi-terminal vehicle-dispatch algorithm. Omega 4(6), 711–718 (1976).
[3] Chao, I., Golden, B., Wasil, E.: A new heuristic for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem that improves upon best-known solutions. Am. J. Math. Manag.Sci. 13(3), 371–406 (1993).
[4] Cordeau, J., Gendreau, M., Laporte, G.: A tabu search heuristic for periodic and multi-depot vehicle routing problems. Networks 30(2), 105–119 (1997).
[5]Cordeau, J., Maischberger, M.: A parallel iterated tabu search heuristic for vehicle routing problems. Com- put. Oper. Res. 39(9), 2033–2050 (2012)
[6] Subramanian, A., Uchoa, E., Ochi, L.S.: A hybrid algorithm for a class of vehicle routing problems. Comput. Oper. Res. 40(10), 2519–2531 (2013)
[7] Vidal, T., Crainic, T., Gendreau, M., Lahrichi, N., Rei, W.: A hybrid genetic algorithm for multi-depot and periodic vehicle routing problems. Oper. Res. 60(3), 611–624 (2012).
[8] Escobar, J. W., Linfati, R., Toth, P., & Baldoquin, M. G. (2014). A hybrid granular tabu search algorithm for the multi-depot vehicle routing problem. Journal of Heuristics, 20(5), 483-509.