Bachelor thesis - Miroslav Šafář ([email protected])
- source code of proposed systemkarolina/
- scripts used for running experiments on Karolina supercomputernsga_runs/
- folder that contains system runs referred to in the paperlatex/
- source code of the paperautomated_quantization_of_neural_networks_paper.pdf
- bachelor thesis
- READMEtiny_imagenet100.tar
- dataset used for experimentsenvironment_linux_x86.yml
- conda environment file for Linuxenvironment_macos_arm64.yml
- conda environment file for macOS with Apple Silicon
We provide conda environment file to setup conda environment.
On Apple Silicon computers:
$ conda env create --file environment_macos_arm64.yml
On Linux:
$ conda env create --file environment_linux_x86.yml
WARNING: Linux environment does not contains libraries for GPU acceleration.
Then you can activate created conda environment by using:
$ conda activate bachelor_thesis
There is another option to setup the project environment using pip. We recommend using Python 3.10.9 and a virtual environment. You can install all required packages using pip:
$ pip install -r requirements_macos_arm64.txt
WARNING: You can use this option only with Apple Silicon computer. With linux please use conda environment.
For testing purposes, we provide our tiny-imagenet dataset. To use it you need to extract
into your TensorFlow Datamodels folder (default: ~/tensorflow_datasets
Switch to the source directory:
$ cd src
To create and train MobileNet model on tiny-imagenet dataset use:
$ python3 --alpha 0.25 --save-as mobilenet_tinyimagenet_025.keras
If you already have a weights file for a model, you can create it using:
$ python3 --alpha 0.25 --weights-path weights_025.hfd5 --destination mobilenet_tinyimagenet_025.keras
Switch to the source directory:
$ cd src
To run NSGA-II for per-layer asymmetric quantization with the approximate solution for batch normalization folding use:
$ python3 --generations 20 --parent-size 16 --offspring-size 16 --logs-dir <nsga_run_log_dir> --approx
By default, it uses pre-trained MobileNet model saved as mobilenet_tinyimagenet_025.keras
to use different pre-trained model, specify parameter --base-model-path
Other important parameters:
use per-channel weight quantization for convolutional layers--symmetric
use symmetric quantization for weights--batch-size
batch size for quantization-aware training--epochs
number of epochs for partial tuning of models--multigpu
run on multiple gpus--help
to print list of all script parameters
Then evaluate the final results with full fine-tuning of the quantized models using:
For evaluation of per-layer asymmetric quantization using more accurate method for batch normalization folding use:
python3 --run <nsga_run_log_dir>/<run_file>
For evaluation of per-layer asymmetric quantization using approximate method for batch normalization folding use:
python3 --run <nsga_run_log_dir>/<run_file> --approx
For evaluation of per-channel symmetric quantization use:
python3 --run <nsga_run_log_dir> --approx --per-channel --symmetric
Other important parameters:
batch size for quantization-aware training--epochs
number of epochs for final fine-tuning--multigpu
run on multiple gpus--help
to print a list of all script parameters
To view system results use:
python3 --run <nsga_run_log_dir> [--per-channel] [--symmetric]
This script allows you to choose between best-found configurations and then shows you the bit-width for each layer.