This project is related to the implementation of the English Assistant Application, which helps us to learn English as an assistant. And, Also this package has the ability to translate from English to Persian.
- Install Python.
After install EnglishAssistantForm,
pip install EnglishAssistantForm
, Don't forget install en_core_web_sm data.pip install ""
Install English Assistant Form
Install English Assistant Core and SpaCy-English Core Web Small (en_core_web_sm)
pip install EnglishAssistantForm & pip install ""
pip3 install EnglishAssistantForm && pip3 install
In the Python file(.pyw):
from EnglishAssistantForm.EnglishAssistantForm import App
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = App()
In the Batch file(.bat):
@echo off
REM Check to Installed en_core_web_sm or not?
set DATA_PACKAGE=en_core_web_sm
pip show %DATA_PACKAGE% >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %DATA_PACKAGE% not installed. Installing...
pip install ""
) else (
echo %DATA_PACKAGE% is already installed.
REM Check to Installed EnglishAssistantForm or not?
set PACKAGE_NAME=EnglishAssistantForm
pip show %PACKAGE_NAME% >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel% neq 0 (
echo %PACKAGE_NAME% not installed. Installing...
pip install %PACKAGE_NAME%
) else (
echo %PACKAGE_NAME% is already installed.
REM Write a pyw file to Run Application.
echo from EnglishAssistantForm.EnglishAssistantForm import App>> "%~dp0%EnglishAssistantApplication.pyw"
echo app = App()>> ""%~dp0%EnglishAssistantApplication.pyw"
echo app.mainloop()>> "%~dp0%EnglishAssistantApplication.pyw"
REM Run!!!
start pythonw "%~dp0%EnglishAssistantApplication.pyw"
timeout /T 1
REM Delete exectuer file
del /f "%~dp0%EnglishAssistantApplication.pyw"
REM Do you need pause to see the steps?