An incomplete and unstable engine for typesetting mathematical formulas with bitmap fonts and bitmap outputs. The quality is, needless to say, far coarser than other tools such as TeX; it is nevertheless much smaller than those tools in size. There's only one bitmap font with a very limited character set, after all!
This is a complete rewrite of SLZEE 1, which was written in Ruby and a mess, in C99, and now it seems even messier.
To build on Windows or *nix systems:
wget -O lodepng.c
cc slzee2.c lodepng.c -o slzee
SLZEE 2 reads the equation to be typeset from the standard input only.
◊ ⟨mandatory⟩ ⌷ [optional]
- ◊. — single line
- ◊\◊\◊. — multiline
- r⟨glyph index⟩ — character
- F⟨numerator⟩.⟨denominator⟩. — fraction
- ⌷S[superscript].[subscript]. — super- and subscript
- B⟨middle-delimiter count⟩⟨upper delimiter #0 glyph index⟩⟨lower delimiter #0 glyph index|-1⟩⟨upper delimiter #1 glyph index⟩⟨lower delimiter #1 glyph index|-1⟩…◊.◊.…◊. — bracket
- X◊. — box
- s0 — normal size
- s1024 — script size
- ! — negative thin space
- , — thin space
- > — medium space
- ; — thick space
- c⟨0..15⟩ — set color
→ 6174Fr1.r2..
→ ½r2Sr3r2...
→ 232
SLZEE 2 is released under the MIT License; see LICENSE.txt.
The SLZEE 2 default font (slzee2-font.png) is licensed under CC BY 4.0.
SLZEE 2 uses LodePNG (under the zlib License) for reading and writing images.
The code for drawing lines and ellipses is adapted from The Beauty of Bresenham’s Algorithm.