Download project:
1) Add your own key and privateKey to metamask to simulate metamask's operation of obtaining wallet address and simulating signature
String privKey = ""; //
String addressHexAll = "";//
String homeUrl = "";
String developSignUrl = "";
Add dependencies in pubspec.yaml file
sendingnetwork_dart_sdk: ^0.0.9
import 'package:sendingnetwork_dart_sdk/sdn.dart';
final client = Client('SDN Example Chat', databaseBuilder: (_) async {
final dir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
final db = HiveCollectionsDatabase('sdn_example_chat', dir.path);
await db. open();
return db;
client.sdnnode = Uri.parse(''); // The domain name of the node
flutter pub get
flutter run
The demo can run, after configuring the secret key, you can log in and create a room. It is best to use it on other ends, such as the account of the created room on the web end, to see the effect.
Please refer to our gitbook for detailed API docuemntation: