- What the Webinterface should be
- What it is right now.
- What has to be done.
- how to use it for you own purpose.
It should be a Website which gives you as the owner the abillity to create Announcements. Other people can visit it create an account or not, create comments while logged in (then with their user name and profile picture) or as a Guest. They also can see you newest youtube video and see what is going on yout teamspeak server. Also their is a gallerie where you can put screenshots so others can view it.
Announcements can be created and comments Users can create accounts,login and uploade a profile, picture. Others can see the profile picture in the comments. A Teamspeak Overview Page shows you all rooms currently on your Server. Under News is the newest youtube video from your channel. I currently using it for my own website. https://www.wearethegamers.de
Creating config files for specifying other mysql server and so on. Have to include htacess files, because I am currently now using the normal apache config file for authentication for the testAdminContentInterface Have to include a java programm from me, which uses apache-commen-net to upload screenshots to the website curently via ftp.(have to switch to http).
Currently you would have to modify nearly everything.