This repository contains Molecular Dynamics (MD) data and the python code used to generate calculations and figures in the manuscript.
All the MD trajectory files conducted by Folding@home can be downloaded from, including five systems: FusA:FusC(RUN0), FusA I11R:FusC(RUN1), FusA I11R:FusC R321G(RUN2), FusA V13R:FusC(RUN3), FusA V13R:FusC R321G(RUN4). Python script to calculate pairwise residue distances between peptide FusA and enzyme FusC. Python script to calculate the fraction of native contacts of peptide FusA and variants. Python script to calculate contact probability between peptide FusA and enzyme FusC, and plot as heatmap. (Figure 2, Figure S22) Python script to calculate FusA residue contributions to contact probability. (Figure S23) Python script to calculate the probability density distribution of FusA native contacts. (Figure 3, Figure S34)