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Gameplay [DRAFT]

manoj2210 edited this page Feb 19, 2019 · 4 revisions

🐺 W.O.W.S

Wolf of Wall Street

(Keep in mind that this document is a draft and might appear a bit 'unorganized' 😄 )

The gameplay of W.O.W.S is majorly based on the board game Monopoly.

The scene is set in a city, where two investors compete to own the major companies and try to make the other go bankrupt. The last Wolf standing wins the game.

The Monopoly board is substituted by a City and the Places on the board are replaced by Companies, with each company represented by a building the City.

The players are represented by the cars they choose, which they get to choose before the game begins. According to the dice roll, the car moves that many steps, signifying the movement by the players inside the game.

Starting gameplay

  • Both the players start with the initial amount of money, called money point(to be discussed more on this) - ,Rs.10,000
    • ⚠️ TODO: Decide the currency name and initial amount
  • Both the player cars are started in the same place, which will be fixed as the GO equivalent of Monopoly.
    • ⚠️ TODO: Decide this place
  • Each player plays in turns, taking alternate turns. For each turn, the player is allowed to roll the die 🎲 once before.

On the course of the game, say that a player has rolled the die 🎲 and has landed near a particular building. The following things are possible then:

  • The building (which represents a Company) is not owned by anyone, and is with the bank. The player can buy that, provided he/she has enough money or do nothing and pass the turn to the other player.
  • The building is owned by the current player. If the player has more than 3 companies of the same category, then he can choose to upgrade the company, which will be used to charge more for the service if the other player lands here.
  • ⚠️ TODO: Decide and write the stuff about the companies, their cost, upgrade cost, rent that has to be paid etc. Would be ideal if there is some kinda automated algorithm to calculate all this from the base price of the Company i.e the original cost of the company.
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