by Alexey Radkov and Dmitry Hrabrov a.k.a. DeXPeriX
Vim plugin XkbSwitch can be used to easily switch current keyboard layout back
and forth when entering and leaving Insert mode. Say you are typing some
document in Russian and have to leave Insert mode: when you press <Esc>
your keyboard layout switches to US/English automatically. When you further
enter Insert mode once again the Russian keyboard layout will be automatically
switched back!
XkbSwitch requires OS dependent keyboard layout switcher. Currently it depends on xkb-switch for UNIX / X Server and xkb-switch-win for Windows. For Mac OS X you can try Input Source Switcher and set library path as
let g:XkbSwitchLib = '/usr/local/lib/libInputSourceSwitcher.dylib'
Supported OS: UNIX / X Server, Windows, Mac OS X
Switches keyboard layout when entering / leaving Insert and Select modes
Keyboard layouts are stored separately for each buffer
Keyboard layouts are kept intact while navigating between windows or tabs without leaving Insert mode
Automatic loading of language-friendly Insert mode mappings duplicates. For example when Russian mappings have loaded then if there was a mapping
<C-G>S <Plug>ISurround
a new mapping
<C-G>Ы <Plug>ISurround
will be loaded. Insert mode mappings duplicates make it easy to apply existing maps in Insert mode without switching current keyboard layout.
Fast and easy building of custom syntax based keyboard layout switching rules in Insert mode
Before installation of the plugin the OS dependent keyboard layout switcher must be installed (see About). The plugin itself is installed by extracting of the distribution in your vim runtime directory.
Basic configuration requires only 1 line in your .vimrc:
let g:XkbSwitchEnabled = 1
Additionally path to the backend switcher library can be defined:
let g:XkbSwitchLib = '/usr/local/lib/'
However normally it is not necessary as far as the plugin is able to find it automatically. To enable Insert mode mappings duplicates user may want to add
let g:XkbSwitchIMappings = ['ru']
Here Insert mappings duplicates for Russian winkeys layout will be generated whenever Insert mode is started. It is possible to define a list of different layouts, for example
let g:XkbSwitchIMappings = ['ru', 'de']
but currently only Russian winkeys layout translation map ('ru') is supported out of the box. There are 2 ways how a user can provide extra definitions of keyboard layout translation maps (or replace existing default 'ru' map):
Define variable g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTr:
let g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTr = { \ 'ru': \ {'<': 'qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;''zxcvbnm,.`/'. \ 'QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?~@#$^&|', \ '>': 'йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюё.'. \ 'ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ,Ё"№;:?/'}, \ 'de': \ {'<': 'yz-[];''/YZ{}:"<>?~@#^&*_\', \ '>': 'zyßü+öä-ZYÜ*ÖÄ;:_°"§&/(?#'}, \ }
Create a file with layout translation maps and put its path into variable g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTrData, for example:
let g:XkbSwitchIMappingsTrData = $HOME.'/opt/'
File with maps must follow this format:
ru Russian winkeys layout < qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,.`/QWERTYUIOP{}ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?~@#$^&| > йцукенгшщзхъфывапролджэячсмитьбюё.ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮ,Ё"№;:?/ de < yz-[];'/YZ{}:"<>?~@#^&*(_\ > zyßü+öä-ZYÜ*ÖÄ;:_°"§&/()?#
Sample file with exactly this content is shipped with this plugin distribution. It is encoded in UTF-8 and it is important as far as its content is read using readfile()! If your locale is not UTF-8 and you want to use this sample file then it seems that you will have to re-encode it in your locale standard encoding
Be very careful with mapping duplicates! They won't replace existing Insert mode mappings but may define extra mappings that will change normal Insert mode user experience. For example plugin echofunc defines Insert mode mappings for '(' and ')', therefore assuming that in Deutsch translation map there could be ')' to '=' translation, we would get '=' unusable in any keyboard layout (as far as echofunc treats ')' in a very specific way). That is why this translation is missing in example above and in file content.
There are multiple examples of similar issues. For instance Russian winkeys translate '.' into 'ю' and when you are editing a C/C++ source file with enabled omnicompletion plugin character 'ю' (which you can use in comments) will always be replaced by '.'. To address these issues starting from version 0.10 a new variable g:XkbSwitchSkipIMappings was introduced. It defines which original Insert mode mappings should not be translated for specific filetypes. Add into your .vimrc lines
let g:XkbSwitchSkipIMappings =
\ {'c' : ['.', '>', ':', '{<CR>', '/*', '/*<CR>'],
\ 'cpp' : ['.', '>', ':', '{<CR>', '/*', '/*<CR>']}
and now you will be able to print 'ю' in C and C++ source files. In this example six Insert mode mappings were prohibited for translation in two filetypes: C and C++. The first three correspond to omnicompletion plugin and the last three address plugin c.vim. Why mappings duplicates starting from '/' were added: Russian winkeys translate '/' into '.' and this makes vim wait for a while until the next character after '.' has been inserted which makes omnicompletion plugin almost unusable. If you want to skip specific Insert mode mappings for all filetypes then you can use '*' as the filetype key in g:XkbSwitchSkipIMappings.
Beware: variable g:XkbSwitchSkipIMappings is not parameterized by keyboard layouts but only by filetypes.
By default last Normal mode keyboard layout is restored when leaving Insert mode, but you can specify to use particular layout for that:
let g:XkbSwitchNLayout = 'us'
Also you can specify original Insert mode keyboard layout:
let g:XkbSwitchILayout = 'us'
It makes sense to disable XkbSwitch for buffers with specific filetypes, for example various file system or tag navigators. For example to disable XkbSwitch for NerdTree add in your .vimrc line
let g:XkbSwitchSkipFt = [ 'nerdtree' ]
By default (e.g. when g:XkbSwitchSkipFt is not defined in .vimrc) following filetypes are skipped: tagbar, gundo, nerdtree and fuf (FuzzyFinder).
You can enable XkbSwitch in runtime (e.g. when g:XkbSwitchEnabled is not set in your .vimrc) by issuing command
This command will respect current settings of g:XkbSwitchIMappings etc. Be aware that there is no way to disable XkbSwitch after it has been enabled.
Imagine that you are editing a simple dictionary with 2 columns delimited by vertical bars. In the first column you are writing down a German word and in the second column - its Russian translation. For example:
| Wort | Übersetzung |
| der Mond | луна |
| humpeln | хромать |
| stark | сильный |
You want the keyboard layout to be automatically switched to the corresponding language when you are moving between the columns in Insert mode. It is feasible! When you start editing switch layouts in the both columns manually just once: after that XkbSwitch will learn how to switch them further. It will restore layouts after leaving Insert mode and entering it once again.
In this section it will be shown how to achieve this. First of all there should exist criteria upon which XkbSwitch will decide when it must switch layouts. The simplest criteria are syntactic rules. So the content of the columns must be syntactically distinguishable. It means that we need a file with syntax rules and some new filetype defined, say mdict. For the sake of simplicity let it be not an absolutely new filetype but rather a subclass of an existing one, for example vimwiki. Then we should create a new file after/syntax/vimwiki.vim:
if match(bufname('%'), '\.mdict$') == -1
let s:colors = {'original': [189, '#d7d7ff'],
\ 'translated': [194, '#d7ffd7'],
\ 'extra': [191, '#d7ff5f']}
function! s:set_colors()
let colors = deepcopy(s:colors)
if exists('g:colors_name') && g:colors_name == 'lucius' &&
\ g:lucius_style == 'light'
let colors['original'] = [26, '#005fd7']
let colors['translated'] = [22, '#005f00']
let colors['extra'] = [167, '#d75f5f']
exe 'hi mdictOriginalHl term=standout ctermfg='.colors['original'][0].
\ ' guifg='.colors['original'][1]
exe 'hi mdictTranslatedHl term=standout ctermfg='.
\ colors['translated'][0].' guifg='.colors['translated'][1]
exe 'hi mdictExtraHl term=standout ctermfg='.colors['extra'][0].
\ ' guifg='.colors['extra'][1]
syntax match mdictOriginal '\%(^\s*|\)\@<=[^|]\+\ze|[^-]'
\ containedin=VimwikiTableRow contained contains=mdictExtra
syntax match mdictTranslated '\%([^-]|\)\@<=[^|]\+\ze|$'
\ containedin=VimwikiTableRow contained contains=mdictExtra
syntax match mdictExtra '([^()]*)' contained
call s:set_colors()
autocmd ColorScheme * call s:set_colors()
hi link mdictOriginal mdictOriginalHl
hi link mdictTranslated mdictTranslatedHl
hi link mdictExtra mdictExtraHl
Here the syntactic criteria have been defined: content of the first column will have syntax id mdictOriginal and content of the second column - mdictTranslated.
In .vimrc following lines must be added:
let g:mdict_synroles = ['mdictOriginal', 'mdictTranslated']
fun! MdictCheckLang(force)
if !filereadable(g:XkbSwitchLib)
let cur_synid = synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")
if !exists('b:saved_cur_synid')
let b:saved_cur_synid = cur_synid
if !exists('b:saved_cur_layout')
let b:saved_cur_layout = {}
if cur_synid != b:saved_cur_synid || a:force
let cur_layout = ''
for role in g:mdict_synroles
if b:saved_cur_synid == role
let cur_layout =
\ libcall(g:XkbSwitchLib, 'Xkb_Switch_getXkbLayout', '')
let b:saved_cur_layout[role] = cur_layout
for role in g:mdict_synroles
if cur_synid == role
if exists('b:saved_cur_layout[role]')
call libcall(g:XkbSwitchLib, 'Xkb_Switch_setXkbLayout',
\ b:saved_cur_layout[role])
let b:saved_cur_layout[role] = empty(cur_layout) ?
\ libcall(g:XkbSwitchLib,
\ 'Xkb_Switch_getXkbLayout', '') : cur_layout
let b:saved_cur_synid = cur_synid
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.mdict setlocal filetype=vimwiki |
\ EnableXkbSwitch
autocmd BufNewFile *.mdict VimwikiTable 2 2
autocmd BufNewFile *.mdict exe "normal dd" | startinsert
autocmd CursorMovedI *.mdict call MdictCheckLang(0)
let g:XkbSwitchPostIEnterAuto = [
\ [{'pat': '*.mdict', 'cmd': 'call MdictCheckLang(1)'}, 0] ]
Function MdictCheckLang() does all the custom layout switching and can be regarded as a plugin to the XkbSwitch. The first autocommand states that if file has extension .mdict then its filetype must be vimwiki and turns on XkbSwitch. The next two autocommands are optional and only make editing mdict files more comfortable. The last autocommand (for CursorMovedI events) calls MdictCheckLang() when cursor moves into different columns in Insert mode. The next definition
let g:XkbSwitchPostIEnterAuto = [
\ [{'pat': '*.mdict', 'cmd': 'call MdictCheckLang(1)'}, 0] ]
registers an InsertEnter autocommand in augroup XkbSwitch. If we would have instead defined an InsertEnter autocommand here then the command would have been put before the standard InsertEnter autocommand in augroup XkbSwitch. Using variable g:XkbSwitchPostIEnterAuto ensures that the new command will run after the standard InsertEnter autocommand. The second element in an item inside g:XkbSwitchPostIEnterAuto can be 0 or 1. If it is 1 then XkbSwitch won't switch layout itself when entering Insert mode. In our case it should be 0 because MdictCheckLang() requires preliminary switching keyboard layout from XkbSwitch when entering Insert mode.
Starting from version 0.9 a generic helper for building custom syntax based keyboard layout switching rules was implemented inside the plugin code. Now building syntax rules is as simple as defining variable g:XkbSwitchSyntaxRules in .vimrc. For example
let g:XkbSwitchSyntaxRules = [
\ {'pat': '*.mdict', 'in': ['mdictOriginal', 'mdictTranslated']},
\ {'ft': 'c,cpp', 'inout': ['cComment', 'cCommentL']} ]
registers syntax rules for files with extension .mdict (the first element in g:XkbSwitchSyntaxRules: it replaces our old definitions of g:mdict_synroles, MdictCheckLang(), autocmd CursorMovedI and g:XkbSwitchPostIEnterAuto) and comments rules for C and C++ files (the second element in g:XkbSwitchSyntaxRules). The comments rules define that comments areas may have their own keyboard layouts in Insert mode and when cursor enters or leaves them the corresponding layouts must be restored. It may be useful if a user wants to make comments in a language that uses not standard keyboard layout without switching layouts back and forth. Notice that the second rule lists syntax groups in element inout whereas the first rule uses element in. The difference is that in the case of the comments rule we want to restore basic keyboard layout (i.e. layout for code areas) when leaving comments areas, but in the mdict rule we do not care about leaving areas mdictOriginal and mdictTranslated and only care about entering them.
There is a known issue when vim-latex package is installed. In this case entering Russian symbols in Insert mode when editing tex files becomes impossible. The issue arises from clashing XkbSwitch Insert mappings duplicates with mappings defined in vim-latex. To work this issue around you can disable XkbSwitch Insert mode mappings duplicates for filetype tex:
let g:XkbSwitchIMappingsSkipFt = ['tex']
Related to X Server only. When editing files on a remote host via ssh the ssh -X option must be supplied:
ssh -X
This option will make ssh forward X Server protocol messages between the local host and the remote host thus making it possible to switch the local host keyboard layouts.
Related to GTK based gvim only. In bare X terminals keycodes for
are the same which makes it possible to leave sequences with control keys in Insert mode mappings duplicates as they are. But this is not the case in GTK based gvim. The issue is still investigated. -
XkbSwitch supports switching via Select mode too. But there is a case when switching from Select mode to Normal mode will fail to restore Normal mode keyboard layout. This will happen when leaving Select mode without any character having been entered. The reason is simple: vim does not generate events that could be caught by autocommands when switching from Select mode to Normal mode. A workaround could be: when you are leaving Select mode without any character entered do it via Visual mode, e.g. enter
instead simply<Esc>
. -
There is a clash with plugin EnhancedJumps when bufhidden=delete. When jumping back to the previous buffer an error message
E121: Undefined variable: mappingsdump
will raise. This is because both autocommand BufRead of this plugin and EnhancedJumps will use redir simultaneously which is not permitted. Normally there is very little probability to encounter this because option bufhidden is empty by default. To work this around you can add line
let g:XkbSwitchLoadOnBufRead = 0
in your .vimrc. However this may break the very first keyboard layout switching from Select mode in a just open buffer if there was no inserting yet.
If you use gh-commands (gh, gH and g_CTRL-H) for your own specific purposes then you'll probably want to disable mappings defined for some or all of these commands in the plugin. For example
let g:XkbSwitchSkipGhKeys = ['gh', 'gH']
disables plugin mappings for two of them.