Personal Collection of Powershell scripts. No guarantees provided with any of these scripts.
- Get-RecursiveGroupMembers.ps1 - Get all members of AD group, and nested groups
- Get-NewADAccounts.ps1 - Script sends a HTML formatted email to user containing a list of AD
- Start-MailSearch.ps1 - Pretty GUI wrapper around mailbox search.
- Get-SteamAchievements.ps1 - Grab achievement stats for a Steam account
- Move-PhotoDate.ps1 - Move photos into a date folder based on EXIF Date Taken field
- Update-Readme.ps1 - System.Object[]
- Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 - System.Object[]
- Invoke-DHCPMigration.ps1 - Migrate a scope from the Source DHCP server to a new server
- Sync-DHCPScope.ps1 - Triggered based on events from DHCP server to sync reservations.
- Windows
- Invoke-WindowsUpdates.ps1 - Invoke Windows update search and install
- Enable-CleanMgr.ps1 - Enables CleanMgr on the system
- Dell
- Set-DRACConfig.ps1 - This script configures a DRAC to a standard config
- Set-PostDeployConfig.ps1 - Post deploy script to configure VMs
- Enable-HotAdd.ps1 - Enable memory and CPU hot-add for 2008 R2 servers
- Set-UpdateTools.ps1 - Quick script to set VMware tools to update on reboot.
- Compare-VCRole.ps1 - Generate a HTML report comparing two vCenter roles
- Get-HostRAIDLevel.ps1 - Get the RAID config of all hosts
- Export-VCSADatabase.ps1 - Backup and download the VCSA database
- VMNoteSync.ps1 - Script syncs details from AD to vCenter notes.
- Export-RVTools.ps1 - Performs full export from RVTools