Either clone the repo & run:
$ python3.5 run.py
Or use Package Installer + git:
$ python3.5 -m pip install git+https://github.com/Sniedes722/lottery.git
$ python3.5
>>> from lottery_system import Menu
>>> Menu()
Select an option from the menu screen:
| Employee Lottery System |
|- 1.Add New Ticket |
|- 2.View Tickets |
|- 3.Draw Winner |
|- 4.Exit |
Select an Option:
- Option 1 adds a new ticket to the drawing
Select an Option: 1
|Add New Ticket|
Enter your first name: Shawn
Enter your last name: Niederriter
Select 1st Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: []: 23
Select 2nd Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23]: 41
Select 3rd Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23, 41]: 45
Select 4th Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23, 41, 45]: 59
Select 5th Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23, 41, 45, 59]: 71
Number out of range!
Select 5th Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23, 41, 45, 59]: 0
Number out of range!
Select 5th Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23, 41, 45, 59]: 23
You cannot pick the same number twice!
Select 5th Number (1 thru 69), Excluding: [23, 41, 45, 59]: 15
Select Powerball Number (1 thru 26): 23
Ticket Info:
Shawn Niederriter, Numbers: [23, 41, 45, 59, 15] Powerball: 23
- Option 2 will show all tickets.
Select an Option: 2
| All |
Name: Shawn Niederriter, Numbers: [23, 41, 45, 59, 15], Powerball: 23
Name: Foo Bar, Numbers: [23, 61, 15, 41, 69], Powerball: 22
- Option 3 selects a winner based on duplicates & randomness.
Select an Option: 3
| Winning |
| Ticket |
Numbers: [41, 19, 15, 61, 23], Powerball: 17
- Option 4 exits the program, however the program can be cleanly terminated at anytime with CTRL+C.
- Tickets will persist in memory until you close the program.
- All logic code can be found inside the "lottery_system" module.
- init.py contains a Menu object that controls user interaction.
- lottery.py contains ticket & ticket pool objects
- menus.py simply contains display functions for the terminal interface