- jack_mixer - A GTK+ JACK audio mixer app
- jackclient-python - Pythonic bindings for the JACK library using cffi
- pyjacklib - Low-level Python bindings for the JACK library using ctypes
- QJackCapture - A GUI for jack_capture using PyQt5.
- ardour2fxp - Convert between Ardour XML and binary FXP VST preset files
- faustdoctor - A post-processor for FAUST source exports
- jack-audio-tools - A collection of utilities and tools for the JACK audio ecosystem
- jack-matchmaker - Auto-connect new JACK ports matching the patterns given on the command line
- jack-select - A systray application to quickly change the JACK-DBus configuration from QjackCtl presets
- jacket - A Nim wrapper for the JACK client-side C API aka libjack
- nymph - A Nim library for writing audio and MIDI plugins conforming to the LV2 standard
- cookiecutter-dpf-effect - A cookiecutter project template for DISTRHO Plugin Framework (DPF) audio effect plugins
- dpf-faust-project-template - A copier project template for DISTRHO Plugin Framework (DPF) audio effect plugins using FAUST
- ADT - Automatic double tracking (not only) for vocals
- CChorus - A versatile stereo chorus
- DF JPverb - A lush algorithmic reverb built with DPF and based on a FAUST library function
- DF Zita Rev1 - A feedback-delay-network reverb built with DPF and based on a FAUST library demo
- FAUST filters - A collection of virtual-analog filter multi-format audio plugins
- MIDI-o-matic - A collection of MIDI filter, generator and processor plugins
- moony-lv2-scripts - A collection of Lua scripts for the moony LV2 plugin
- OSAMC LV2 plug-in workshop - Various simple LV2 plugin examples
- SendMixer - A stereo channel strip plugin with one master gain and two pre/post-fader sends
- Stereo Cross Delay - A stereo delay plugin with feedback and cross-mixing
- Transport Gate - An audio gate plugin controlled by transport state
- YK Chorus - A chorus audio effect plugin based on DSP code by Togu Audio Line (TAL)
- miditk-smf - A Python toolkit for working with Standard MIDI files
- python-rtmidi - Python bindings for the cross-platform MIDI I/O library RtMidi
- ewi-usb-config-cli - Configure an Akai EWI USB MIDI wind controller via MIDI from the command line
- mrequests - An HTTP client library (not only) for MicroPython with an API similar to requests
- micropython-ftplib - An FTP client library for MicroPython
- micropython-osc - A minimal OSC client and server library for MicroPython
- micropython-stm-lib - A collection of modules and examples for MicroPython (not only) on STM32F4
- osc2mqtt - An OSC to MQTT bridge based on pyliblo and paho-mqtt
- picoredis - A very minimal Redis client (not only) for MicroPython
- fmchallenge.osamc.de / webapp - Static and dynamic parts of the Open Source Music FM-Challenge 2018 web site
- nexus-challenge.osamc.de / webapp - Static and dynamic parts of the Open Source Music Nexus Challenge 2019 web site
- papermill - A clean, text-centric theme for the static site generator Nikola
- personal-scripts - Dumping ground for personal utility scripts
- How to play FLOSS keyboards like it's 1978 - Slides, Markdown sources, links and resources for my Sonoj 2023 presentation
- nexus-challenge-2019-entry - Ardour project for my (winning) entry "Another Day" for the Open Source Music Nexus Challenge
- Parta Eklipso - Ardour project archive of the track "Parta Eklipso" from my Sonoj 2023 presentation
- Leaving Tonite - Ardour project archive of the track "Leaving Tonite" from my Sonoj 2023 presentation
This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
International License.