A curated list of awesome Squad libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
Note that only open-source and freeware projects are considered. Dead projects (not updated for 3 years or more) are mainly ignored except for those which do not have alive analogs.
Code libraries for creating new stuff
CoreRCON. Source RCON protocol and LogAddress receiver written in C#, compatible with .NET Core. Confirmed unmaintained.
SourceRcon. Source RCON protocol written in C#. Appears to be dead.
PHP-Source-Query. Source RCON and query client protocol implementation written in PHP 5.5+.
Free non-opensource products allowed here.
- SquadRemoteAdmin. GUI application that can be used to remotely administrate a Squad server.
Squad TPS To Graph. GUI application that reads Squad a server log file and generates a coloured graph and CSV log with ticks per second.
SquadServerLogExt. Python script that parses the Squad server log file to put the Timestamps, player count, tick rate and current map(-layer) into a well formatted spreadsheet.
- squad-maps. JSON formatted list of Squad Maps / Layers and related data for use in development.