Cerberus is designed to be run as a small HTTP service (typically as a Lambda in AWS) and will monitor HTTP post requests to block or unblock Git branches in GitLab.
Using the supplied Makefile
you can build a new binary of Cerberus:
> make build
This will output a new version of Cerberus in bin/cerberus
Using the supplied Makefile
you can package and deploy a new verion of Cerberus to AWS Lambda. It requires the following to be setup on your machine:
AWS CLI v2+ (
brew install awscli
) -
a valid AWS configuration with access to the
> make package deploy
This will upload Cerberus to an AWS S3 bucket, and then deploy it as an AWS Lambda using CloudFormation
Using a simple REST call it is possible to block a branch. The format for such a call would be:
POST https://url-of-your-lambda.amazonaws.com HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"action": "block",
"context": {
"project.id": "{{project-id}}",
"project.slug": "stackvista/stackstate",
"project.name": "StackState",
"branch": "master",
"pipeline": "207583705",
"commit.sha": "ab3498ads4r98",
"commit.title": "Merge of STAC-0-foo"
If the Slack integration is broken, it is possible to manually issue a REST request to Cerberus to unblock the wanted branch. The format for such a call is:
POST https://url-of-your-lambda.amazonaws.com HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"action": "unblock",
"context": {
"project.id": "{{project-id}}",
"branch": "master"
You can also manually unblock a branch by calling the GitLab REST API directly, or going to the GitLab UI.
For a manual API call ensure you have a Personal Access Token. Then you can issue the following 2 requests:
DELETE https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/{{project-id}}/protected_branches/master HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
PRIVATE-TOKEN: {{token}}
POST https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/{{project-id}}/protected_branches HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
PRIVATE-TOKEN: {{token}}
"id": {{project-id}},
"name": "master",
"allowed_to_merge": [{
"access_level": 40
}, {
"user_id": 4378321
"allowed_to_push": [{
"access_level": 0
"allowed_to_unprotect": [{
"access_level": 40