Accomplish a series of functions of study information management
- Accomplish MENU function and display inoformations:
print("* 学生管理系统 *") print("* 1. 添加新学生信息 *") print("* 2. 通过学号修改学生信息 *") print("* 3. 通过学号删除学生信息 *") print("* 4. 通过姓名删除学生信息 *") print("* 5. 通过学号查询学生信息 *") print("* 6. 通过姓名查询学生信息 *") print("* 7. 显示所有学生信息 *") print("* 8. 退出系统 *") print("****************************************") select_op = input("输入编号选择操作:")```
- Accomplish CONTROL function to control menu's output and part selection until end program when user input "8"
- Accomplish STUDENT function. Parameters are serial number, name, age and gender, return whether success or not. Seriasl number cannot be repeated.
- Accomplish MODIFICATION function. Parameters are student ID. Function display notification if ID not existed and do modification if ID existed, return whether success or not
- Accomplish DELETE function. Parameters are student ID. Function delete student if ID existed and display notification if student ID not existed, return whether success or not
- Accomplish DELETE function. Parameters are name. Function delete all student with same name and display notification if name not existed, return whehter success or not
- Accomplish SEARCH function. Parameters are student ID. Function display student's information if student ID existed and display notifcation if ID not existed, return success or not
- Accomplish SEARCH function. Parameters are student name. Function display student's information if name existed and display notifcation if ID not existed, return success or not
- Accomplish function to display all student's information