v1.0 January, 05 2024.
Welcome! If you reach this project you are interested in our QA Engineer position.
Here we have an initial test case, badly written, waiting for your skills to improve code and stability.
We expect, at end, you will have good arguments to endorse your code.
- Java 17+
- Maven
This test will help us to understand how you could go with our daily tasks.
Clone this repo and change it.
The tests run against Amazon.com.
- Refactory the initial test code.
- Add a new test case with the following steps:
- Look for either "Jorge Amado", "Nick Page"
- Filter products found by Books
- Open a book page
- Confirm at least 70% of people liked the book with 5 stars
- Use TestNG testing framework (already included in the POM).
- Open the browser as incognito.
- Find better locators for WebElements, when applicable.
- Use PageObject Model pattern.
- It needs to run on both Firefox and Chrome (by default).
- Create new packages and folders as you wish.
- You may import anything you would like it could help, as Hamcrest, Lombok, else.
- Rewrite with best practices. We would like to see what you know!
- Comment your code.
- Usage of PageFactory
- Data-Driven Testing
- Amazon blocks robots and you may need to enter code manually while testing or even retry.
- If you run too much you may consume all available books for a while.
mvn clean test
or mvn clean test -Dbrowser=firefox
Please create a GitHub repository, or in any other public repository, and share the path with us.
We can do it!
Good luck!!