Thumbnail Checker is a web application that allows users to upload thumbnails for their YouTube videos and receive votes on which thumbnail performs best. Users are incentivized to vote by earning cryptocurrency.
- Upload Thumbnails: Easily upload multiple thumbnails for your YouTube videos.
- Voting System: Engage the community to vote on the best thumbnail.
- Cryptocurrency Rewards: Earn crypto for participating in voting.
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript , Solana web3.js
- Blockchain: Solana for cryptocurrency transactions
- Database: PostgresSQL
Clone the repository
git clone cd Thumbnail-checker-web3
Go to [.env.example] and replace ACCESS_SECRET ACCESS_Key. You will get this from AWS S3 Bucket
cd backend
backend folder -> src -> routers -> user.ts and change PARENT_WALLET_ADDRESS with your won Wallet Address
Replace you private key in privateKey.ts
cd ../user-frontend/utils
Replace CloudFront URL with your won URL
cd ../../worker-frontend
Replace CloudFront URL with your won URL
cd backend
npm install
cd ../user-frontend
npm install
cd ../worker-frontend
npm install
cd backend
node dist/index.ts
cd ../user-frontend
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
cd ../worker-frontend
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3001 with your browser to see the result.