Releases: SyndicateLabs/SyndicateQT
Beta - v1.0.1.7
You may log into the My Employees tab, fill out the form & register the new employee. You can also move on to the second tab, and view all of your employees by clicking on the View Employee Info button. To edit an employee, click on the Edit Employee Info button & use the column on the left to display all of the employees information by EIN number. Once you edit the information, click save & return to the previous screen. If you'd like to see the updated information, simply click the View Employee Info button again. Logout when you are finished.
You may also log into the Employee portal to find a very very rudimentary implementation of a clock & time management system. You can clock in & out to record your times. Let me remind you, there is a lot more development to come to this area.
You'll also notice the basis of a new masternode manager tab. I've simultaneously been working on a simpler way of creating, adding & editing masternodes though the wallet. Nothing from the new masternode manager tab is currently in working order but I've began creating the layout while brainstorming the easiest & most user friendly way to achieve this task.
Fix DNS seed servers
Add globally distributed fixed seeds
Change default port from 22349 to 9999
Use allocators.cpp
Move all of the #ifdef WIN32 code and the #include of windows.h into allocators.cpp & ensure allocators are always ready.
Add main-specific node state
Per-peer block tracking, stalled block download detection, orphan pool limiting
Prepare block connection logic for headers-first
Post POW checkpoint
DNS seeds
Few GUI tweaks
Fresh nodes + waiting on updates
6 total hardcoded nodes
Checkpoint at block 30,000
New splash screen
FixSpentCoins used to fix POS reward wallet corruption
LockedPageManager now used as instance
Removed windows.h from allocators.h
Completely remove selection by coin age.
Don't process transactions we already have
Checkpoint at block 10,000
Fix for my masternode tab display bug & add a checkpoint at block 1000
Update client version Update client version to v1.0.0.1 for masternode display bug fix & checkpoint at block 1000