Discord Bot Project for coding class in school
A Discord.js Bot created for my school's coding class. Commands are being made for learning purposes rather than productivity or function.
- Node.js v16
- Discord.js v13
- Download the latest release (seen on the right side) (Optional) Download the main branch for a less stable version
- Extract node_modules
- Insure Node.js is updated to v16
- Make your own bot token and put it in the botconfig.json under the token line
- Open command line application in app's folder (/FCSBot)
- Run the command line below
node index.js
If you experience any issues please open an issue
- Charles Stello
Added timedReplies module during school moderation
Added profile picture for bot
Added the ability for the bot to ignore its own messages
Added 3 new replies to the reply manager
Implemented permissions for moderation command
Added timed replies command
Added error handling to purge command (enforces a maximum of 100 messages to avoid discord.js related crashes)
Changed presence back to activity Changed status carousel from 1 minute to 10 minutes
Started the beginning of the moderation framework:
- Added basic moderation help menu (noted)
- Added basic moderation framework (noted)
Updated to Discord.js v13 Updated Login credentials for newly inforced intents Fixed many depreciated methods:
- Presence (Originally Activity)
- Embeds
Reworked Embeds to support v13 Added Purge command
Initial Release
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPLv3 License