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TIM-IDE - TIM integration for VSCode

Tämän lisäosan avulla on mahdollista ladata ja palauttaa TIM-ohjelmointitehtäviä suoraan Visual Studio Code -kehitysympäristössä. Ohje suomeksi:

This extension allows you to upload and submit TIM programming tasks directly in the Visual Studio Code. Guide in English:


Quick start guide

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the dependencies by running npm install
  3. Compile the Svelte components by running npm run svelte-compile or npm run svelte-watch
  4. Open the project in Visual Studio Code
  5. Launch the Run Extension configuration from the Run and Debug tab

NOTE: When making changes to the code, it is necessary to run either Developer: Reload Webviews or Developer: Reload Window in the Visual Studio Code (the development instance) command palette (ctrl + shift + p) before the changes have any effect.

NOTE: The Visual Studio Code extension requires TIDE-CLI to be installed in order to function properly.

See the helpful links section for tool documentation and extension user guide.


The extension uses Svelte as its UI framework. The documentation for the framework can be found here.

The codebase uses Svelte 4, and not the latest version 5, i.e. runes syntax introduced in the latter one can not be used.

Creating a new webview

To create a new Svelte component run (while in the project root directory) scripts/ with the desired name as an argument, e.g. scripts/ MyGloriousWebview. This will create the Svelte-file in webviews/components directory and the necessary boilerplate in webviews/pages directory. The name provided as argument will also be used as the file prefix in out/compiled.

Compiling Svelte components

Svelte components need to be recompiled in order for any changes made to them to take place. This can be done by running npm run svelte-watch inside the project directory. This launches a watcher that will, as long as it runs, automatically compile any components affected by changes made to the source files. Compiled Svelte-components are saved to ./out/compiled from where they can be used inside panels.

In its current state, the svelte-watch and svelte-compile run configurations cause warnings when ran, but they do not affect the compiling process. The warnings in question are about importing svelte components, e.g.

bundles webviews/pages/TaskPanel.ts → out/compiled/TaskPanel.js...
(!) [plugin typescript] webviews/pages/TaskPanel.ts (1:17): @rollup/plugin-typescript TS2307: Cannot find module '../components/taskPanel/TaskPanel.svelte' or its corresponding type declarations.

1 import App from '../components/taskPanel/TaskPanel.svelte'

Helpful links