by Shiqi Chen, Keming Gao, Huajun Feng, Zhihai Xu, Yueting Chen
This is the official Pytorch implementation of "Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Framework" [Paper]
Due to some irresistible reasons on commercial, we cannot make the trained model and training data public. We are deeply sorry for this.
- Python 3.7
- Matlab
- Other python packages are downloaded as follows:
pip install -r requirements.txt
None: Please make sure your machine has a GPU, and its driver version is comply with the CUDA version! This will reduce the problems when installing the DCNv2 module later.
The Deformable ConvNets V2 (DCNv2) module in our code adopts Xujiarui's Implementation. We recommand you recompile the code according to your machine and python environment as follows:
cd ~/dcn
python develop
This may cause many issues, please open Issues and ask me if you have any problems!
Download the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to your laplop, and link your camera with your laptop.
python -n 1 -t 1.5
adb pull ~/DCIM/Camera/whiteboard.dng ~/whiteboard
Download the dcraw and ensure dcraw is in the system parameters.
Postprocessing the captured whiteboard raw image with dcraw:
dcraw -v -4 -T -w -n 300 -q 3 -o 0 ~/whiteboard/whiteboard.dng
python -i ~/whiteboard/whiteboard.tiff -o ~/env_illu.mat -p 100
python -n 7 -t 1.5
adb pull -r ~/DCIM/Camera/*.dng ~/rawdata
python -i ~/rawdata -n 7 -e ~/env_illu.mat -d 1.0
The 16-bit image is saved in the same directory of rawdata, named with "*_out.tiff"
>>> patch_generator.m
1. After prepare the paired patches in "../backward_transfer/data/input" and "../backward_transfer/data/label", the training can be performed by:
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -d ../backward_transfer/data/ -o ~/output/ --region 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.5 --white_balance 1.938645 1.000000 1.889194
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -d ../backward_transfer/data/ -o ~/output/ --region 0.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 --white_balance 1.938645 1.000000 1.889194
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 python -d ../backward_transfer/data/ -o ~/output/ --region 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.5 --white_balance 1.938645 1.000000 1.889194
# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 python -d ../backward_transfer/data/ -o ~/output/ --region 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 --white_balance 1.938645 1.000000 1.889194
python -d ~/ -o ~/kernel/
Note that the image path in the "" needs to be changed, such as the label image path, the output image path, and the PSFs path:
# input image path
# label8bit_dir = '~/train_datasets/label_8bit'
label8bit_dir = '~/valid_datasets/label_8bit'
# label raw path
# labelraw_dir = '~/train_datasets/label_rgb'
labelraw_dir = '~/valid_datasets/label_rgb'
# output image path
# inputraw_dir = '~/train_datasets/input_rgb'
inputraw_dir = '~/valid_datasets/input_rgb'
# kernel path
kernel_path = '~/kernel/kernel.mat'
Note that the path information in this file needs update to the path of your computer:
date_ind = "20220329" # date information for h5py file
dataset_type = "valid" # type of dataset "train" or "valid"
camera_idx = "camera04" # index of camera "camera01" to "camera05"
base_path = "/hdd4T_2/Aberration2021/synthetic_datasets" # system path
input_dir = "input_rgb_20220329" # input data dir
label_dir = "label_rgb" # label data dir
if_mask = False # whether add mask
# split FoV for dataset generation
# splited_fov = [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, 1.0]
splited_fov = [0.0, 1.0]
Note: The training information and the test information are in the same file!
If you find the code helpful in your research or work, please cite the following papers.
author = {Chen, Shiqi and Feng, Huajun and Gao, Keming and Xu, Zhihai and Chen, Yueting},
title = {Extreme-Quality Computational Imaging via Degradation Framework},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
month = {October},
year = {2021},
pages = {2632-2641}