🎶 A powerful music and video bot for Telegram, built with Python using Pyrogram and Py-Tgcalls. 🚀
Easily deploy Winx Muzik on Heroku:
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/TheTeamWinx/WinxMuzik && cd WinxMuzik
Run the setup
bash setup
Install tmux To keep your bot running after closing the terminal:
sudo apt install tmux && tmux
Run the Bot
python3 -m WinxMuzik
Detach from the tmux session Press
, thend
to exit the tmux session without stopping the bot.
For detailed configuration instructions for Flora Music Bot, refer to this guide.
If you need help or have any questions, feel free to reach out via the following channels:
- GitHub Issues: Open a support issue on GitHub.
- Telegram Profile: Contact the maintainer directly.
- Telegram Support Group: Join our support group for live assistance.
If you enjoyed Flora Music Bot and want to support its development, consider:
- ⭐ Starring the repository on GitHub.
- 🍴 Forking the repository and contributing improvements.
- 📝 Sharing your experience with tutorials or articles on Dev.to, Medium, or your personal blog.
Together, we can make Flora Music Bot even better!
A huge thank you to Team Yukki for their inspiring work on YukkiMusicBot. Their contributions have been invaluable!