Manage you time based on your personality and preferences. Take a quiz and personalize your time management.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Screenshots
- Setup
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Team
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- License
You can find various advice online on how to optimize your time management, but often people are unable to use that advice effectively because it is too general for individual circumstances and behaviour. This project aims to give out more personalised advice to users, keep them accountable and update them with new information about their time management style.
For our first attempt to solve this problem, users can take the quiz and find out about their time management style. Being aware of the type is the first step to tackle the issue of having better time management.
Schedule N is an educative project implemented by students of TechLabs Berlin in winter term 21/22.
- React & Hooks (React Minimal Pie Chart, React Hook Form)
- React Router
- Axios
- Mongo DB and Mongoose
- Express
- NodeJS
- Flask
- Docker
- Python3
- Python libs: pandas, numpy, matplotlib
How to get a copy and locally run it:
- Clone the repo
git clone
Now you have two options, run every port serperately or use everything combined in docker.
Download the Docker application.
Run the application
docker-compose up
Install MongoDB
Install MongoDB Shell(mongosh)
Run the database depending on your operating system
- Activate the environment and install dependencies inside the
directory> venv\Scripts\activate
pip install flask
- Install pandas
pip install pandas
- Run the server
flask run
- Install dependencies inside the
directorynpm install
- Run the app
npm start
- Install dependencies inside the
directorynpm install
- Run the app
npm start
For the Figma prototype see here
Project is: in progress. This repo is part of the TechLabs Berlin winter 21/22 Project Phase. Further updates are not timed yet.
Room for improvement:
- combine quiz with a general personality quiz for more advice tailored to their needs based on their personality
- get users to rate advice and optimise algorhythm
To do:
- finish user account implemetation (mostly finished on backend site)
- add seperate advice page with more specific tools (apps, methods...)
- adjust media queries and browser compatibilty
DS | Xinhao Wang
DS | E. Delali Aggor
WD | Suliyat Opeyemi
WD | Minhaj Azmi
WD | Angelina Blumenthal
UX | Clare Dunn
UX | Saba Rezzadeh Harati
Mentors: WD | Matheus Cardoso, DS | Tiago Ignacio
- This quiz was based on TSSI.
- Many thanks to the TechLabs Berlin Team
Schedule N is intended solely for education purposes. The project is not intended for any commercial, monetary, or data sharing use.