A native Javascript ASCII Art compressor. Specifically designed for a maximum of 100 x 100 sized art, and supports all 256 standard ASCII codes.
Ensure that you have Node installed on your machine, as well as Yarn if you would like to run the unit tests.
After cloning the repo, run Yarn
to install Mocha, a library used for unit testing.
Here are the following useful commands. Note that when entering an output file name, if the file doesn't exist, then it will automatically be created.
To encode a file,
node asciiCompressor.js encode ASCII_ART_FILE.txt OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.txt
// Or shorthand, use 'e' instead
node asciiCompressor.js e ASCII_ART_FILE.txt OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.txt
// For example,
node asciiCompress.js e asciiArt/data.txt output/data-encoded.txt
To decode a file,
node asciiCompressor.js decode ENCODED_FILE_NAME.txt OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.txt
// Or shorthand, use 'd' instead
node asciiCompressor.js d ENCODED_FILE_NAME.txt OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.txt
// For example,
node asciiCompress.js d asciiArt/data.txt output/data-encoded.txt
To analyze how well a file would be compressed using this algorithm,
node asciiCompressor.js analyze ASCII_ART_FILE.txt
// Or shorthand, use 'a' instead
node asciiCompressor.js a ASCII_ART_FILE.txt
// For example,
node asciiCompress.js a asciiArt/data.txt
To run the unit and e2e tests,
./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha ./
My initial thought was to use Huffman Encoding. However, Huffman Encoding involves in addition to the encoded data, passing along a data structure that saves the coded characters, such as a trie. This likely wouldn't be the most efficient on the smaller scale of a 100 x 100 map. Instead, I noticed that these maps tend to have long strings of repeated characters. For example, most lines starts with a string a blank spaces. Thus, I decided on some form of Run Length Encoding.
I decided to implement a rudimentary version of a Run Length Encoding algorithm. Basically, instead of representing a string of the same character, such as aaaaa
, we represent it as it's count, and the character, so aaaaa
becomes 5a
. We effectively turn each consequence sequence of the same character into two bytes. Likewise, abbcccdddd
becomes 1a2b3c4d
However, implementation wise, things get tricky since we must support all 256 ASCII characters - which include numbers. In this case, without an additional delimiter, it becomes impossible to differentiate which character is the character count, and which one is the character itself. For example, if the text is 1111122233
, that would get encoded to 513223
, which is ambigious as to what the original string was. We could include a delimiter, such as a space or comma, but this would require extra logic parsing the encoded text since space is also a valid character (although space-delimieter would perform similarly, and better/worse in some scenarios).
Instead, given our assumption that the maximum length of a row is 100 characters, we can instead make each number guaranteed two characters. So 45
stays 45
, but 4
becomes 04
. That way, each encoded becomes three bytes, two for the character count and one for the character itself. But what about the case where a character takes the whole row? i.e. if the character count is 100? In this case, we can encode the row as simply the character, and thats it. E.g., if a row was all a
's, we'll encode the line as a
, and when decoding, we can simply check the length. I decided on this approach since it seemed like this case appeared enough times that it could serve as an appropriate custom optimization.
As with most lossless compression algorithms, RLE works well for certain data sets and not so well for others. As expected from RLE, this algorithm works well for relatively larger ASCII art maps, and ones that have lots of character repetition. As seen in the results below, the files with many lines also tend to do better. In some cases, RLE is actually worse than the base file itself. Here are the results of some of the example files (which can be found in the folder asciiArt
at the top level:
Test File | Rows | Original Size | Compressed Size | Percent Change |
depot.txt | 29 | 1898 | 2341 | + 23% |
nightshot.txt | 37 | 2656 | 2913 | + 9% |
angry.txt | 87 | 3741 | 3245 | - 13% |
rose.txt | 46 | 1971 | 1512 | - 23% |
cat.txt | 87 | 5284 | 3074 | - 41% |
data.txt | 85 | 5496 | 3114 | - 43% |
Thus, in practice, with larger ASCII art of 100 x 100, we should be getting fairly good compression rates, especially with single character lines, like in cat.txt.
As mentioned, some files actually do worse. Thus, an optimization that could be made is when the file does worse with RLE compression, is to use another form of compression. It's likely that Huffman Encoding or other similar compression algorithms could support at least a little bit of compression. Alternatively, an easy way to get around this is to simply use the original file. Although this doesn't compress the file at all, it's better than increasing the size of the file.
Another optimization is that instead of expressing each chain of characters as three bytes, instead represent them in 15 bits. The first 7 can be used to represent the count (since 7 bits can be used to represent 0 - 123), and 8 to represent the character. This would save 9 bits per encoding string.
Finally, as mentioned above, this algorithm is very dependent and catered towards the format of the ASCII art. If there are NOT many lines just completely blank, or of a single character, then it might be worth switching to a space-delimited implementation rather than the current convert to double character count. In addition, the space-delimited implementation would not be limited by a max row length of 100 characters.