- Open a CLI on the root folder.
- Install the relevant dependencies by running 'npm install' command.
- Run the node.js server by running 'nodemon app' command.
- The node.js server will run on 'http://localhost:5000' URL.
- Open a new CLI on the root folder.
- Navigate to the client folder with 'cd client' command.
- Install the relevant dependencies by running 'npm install' command.
- Start the server by running 'npm start' command.
- The React.js application will run on 'http://localhost:3000' URL.
- This is a simple todo application where the user can add, update, delete, and view their daily todo activities.
- The user can log in to the system using Google Sign In.
- The application retrieves the user details of the user from the Google account such as name and profile picture.
- The user can create a report of the todo list and upload it to user's Google Drive as a text file.
- IT18149654 - Rajapaksha T.N. - [email protected] - TharindaNimnajith
- IT18149272 - Perera M.J.F.R. - [email protected] - JanithRushantha
- IT18148350 - Naidabadu N.I. - [email protected] - NehanIlangakoon