- D5 --> IN1 on relay module
- D6 --> IN2 on relay module
- D1 --> Speaker wire 1 (+)
- D2 --> Speaker wire 2 (+)
- 3v --> relay module vcc
- GND --> Speaker wire 1/2 (-) & GND on relay module
- VV --> if using 5v relays connect to JD-VCC on relay module
- Relay 1 common --> Speaker wire 3 (+)
- Relay 1 NO --> Speaker wire 3 (-)
- Relay 2 common --> Speaker wire 4 (+)
- Relay 2 NO --> Speaker wire 4 (-)
- Connect to Accesspoint called GarageDoorAutomation
- Choose and enter credentials to your wireless network
- Enter the location of your mqtt broker ( i recommend the one that is integrated with OpenHab)
- /GarageDoorAutomation/garage_door_1/state --> will be messaged with 1 = door open , 0 = door close, 2 = door opening, 3 = door closing
- /GarageDoorAutomation/garage_door_2/state --> samge as above but for door 2
- /GarageDoorAutomation/garage_door_1/command --> send a 1 to indicate that you want to open the garage door, 0 to close it
- /GarageDoorAutomation/garage_door_2/command --> samge as above but for door 3