An application of thiktak/filament-nested-builder-form for SQL with (not) AND/OR and sub-groups.
Be careful, this package is not yet recommended for production. Help us with testing and feedback :)
You can install the package via composer:
composer require thiktak/filament-sql-nested-builder-form
This package is based on thiktak/filament-nested-builder-form.
// use App\Models\User;
use Thiktak\FilamentNestedBuilderForm\Forms\Components\NestedBuilder;
use Thiktak\FilamentNestedBuilderForm\Forms\Components\NestedSubBuilder;
use Thiktak\FilamentSQLNestedBuilderForm\Forms\Components\SQLNestedBuilder;
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return $form
Section::make('Nested Builder Form')
->description('Example of the SQL Nested Builder Form (SQL Query)')
// configuration is an Array
// nestedConfiguration apply this set up to all children
->nestedConfiguration(function (NestedSubBuilder $builder, NestedBuilder $parent) {
// import default configuration of this package
// Display the first Hint as a Raw SQL query of User Model
->hint(function (?array $state) {
return SQLNestedBuilder::getFullyLinearizedArrayToEloquent($state, User::query())
Use the nestedConfiguration and set up fieldComponent
->nestedConfiguration(function (NestedSubBuilder $builder, NestedBuilder $parent) {
// import default configuration of this package
// Change the TextInput -> Select
fn () => Select::make('field')
'id' => 'User Id',
'email' => 'User email',
This method will return the Raw SQL of a User model query. $state is the data array.
SQLNestedBuilder::getFullyLinearizedArrayToEloquent($state, User::query())
Output (example):
select *
from `users`
where (
not (
(`a` = '1') and (`b` in ('2', '3'))
and (`a` between '1' and '99')
or (`email` LIKE '')
or (`email` LIKE 'a%')
or (`email` LIKE '%com')
and (`tenant_id` = '1')
SQLNestedBuilder::getFullyLinearizedArrayToSQL(?array $state); // If consume the whole array
SQLNestedBuilder::getFullyLinearizedArrayToSQL(?array $state, 'group'); // if level of group
SQLNestedBuilder::getFullyLinearizedArrayToSQL(?array $state, 'rule'); // if level of rule
Output (example):
(`a` = '1' AND `b` IN ('2', '3') AND `a` BETWEEN '1' AND '99') AND `email` LIKE '' AND `email` LIKE 'a%' AND `email` LIKE '%com'
(current solution) Extend the SQLNesterBuilder, and redefine the method loadDefinition() with a call to $this->registerOperator(MyOperator::class)
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.