A scaled-down version of Tensorflow with Keras like api build from scratch using python. Capable of building a dense neural network and carrying out internal backpropagation. Apart from building, the model can be trained on a dataset of scalar values(not multi-dimensional arrays like tensors) to fit using optimizing algorithms like gradient descent.Supports various activation functions and loss functions.
# To install and use it in your project
pip install miniKeras
Below is an example of a Variable(smallest unit of the network) objects in action for better understanding of the working:
from miniKeras.unit import Variable
a = Variable(1,name='a')
b = Variable(2,name='b')
ab = a*b
c = ab**2
f = c.tanh()
f.name = 'f'
print(f.val) #f.val = 0.999329299739067
f.backprop() #backpropagation at work.
print(a.grad) #(gradient of f w.r.t a) df/da = 0.010727605464206924
print(b.grad) #(gradient of f w.r.t b) df/db = 0.005363802732103462
Below is an example of a neural network build and trained on small dataset:
from miniKeras import network
l = network.Sequential(
network.layers.Dense(3, name='layer1'),
network.layers.Dense(2, name='layer2'),
network.layers.Dense(1, name='layer3'),
x = [1,2]
l.fit(x,y, running_status=True) #running_status will show the running status of the loss in each iteration.
# loss can be seen to descent with time which also depends on the step_size(alpha)
Loss is decreasing with each iteration:
is also added for visualization purposes which uses Graphviz to render images.
Below code represents a simple digraph of Variable object.
from miniKeras.unit import Variable
a = Variable(1, name='a')
b = Variable(2, name='b')
c = Variable(3, name='c')
d = ab+c
e = d.tanh()
# Draws the simple graph of Variable object