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Medical Image Vision Operators, such as RoIAlign, DCNv1, DCNv2 and NMS for both 2/3D images.


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Medical Image Vision Operators

描述 (Description)

为了方便3D医学图像相关的任务, 实现了主要的计算机视觉算子,例如RoIAlign, NMS 等,并且基于这些算子实现了多种数据增强的方法.

Computer vision operators in medical image, such as RoIAlign, DCNv1, DCNv2 and NMS for both 2/3D images. And based on these operators, a variety of data augmentation methods have been implemented.

支持的CUDA算子 (Supported CUDA Operators)

see medvision/csrc and medvision/ops

Methods Torch Cuda Cpu FP16
RoI Align 2/3D 2/3D yes
RoI Align Rotated 2/3D yes
BBox overlaps 2/3D 2/3D yes
NMS 2/3D 2/3D yes
soft-NMS 2/3D 2D yes
DCN v1 2/3D yes
DCN v2 2/3D yes
Deformable RoI Pooling 2D yes

Torch : implemented with torch functions.

支持的CUDA数据增强 (Supported CUDA Augmentations)

see medvision/aug_cuda and medvision/aug_cuda_batch

or medvision/aug_cpu for numpy version

Methods Cuda FP16 Ops CPU time/ms GPU time/ms
RandomAffine 2/3D yes RoI Align Rotated 5302 20
RandomScale 2/3D yes RoI Align Rotated 5109 19
RandomShift 2/3D yes RoI Align Rotated 2355 19
RandomRotate 2/3D yes RoI Align Rotated 1164 20
RandomFlip 2/3D yes 64 8
CropRandom Series 2/3D yes RoI Align Rotated 56 1
RandomElasticDeformation 2/3D yes DCN 12163 614
Resize 2/3D yes RoI Align Rotated 6365 12
Pad 2/3D yes 335 2
Normalize + 2/3D yes
RandomBlur 2/3D yes Conv 450 3
RandomNoise 2/3D yes 581 9
Display 2/3D yes
Viewer 2/3D yes

All of these will support forward and backward (need test).

可视化 (Visualization)

Methods Cuda
RandomAffine RandomAffine2D
RandomScale RandomScale3D
RandomShift RandomShift3D
RandomFlip RandomFlip3D
CropRandom Series CropRandomWithAffine3D
RandomElasticDeformation raw
Resize Resize3D
Pad Pad3D
RandomBlur RandomBlur2D
RandomNoise RandomNoise3D

待完成 (TODO)

安装 (Installation)

# run and check you cuda and torch
# make sure your torch.version.cuda == cuda_home_version
python -m torch.utils.collect_env

# if needed
export PATH="path_to/gcc-5.4+/bin/:$PATH"
export CUDA_HOME="/path_to/cuda-9.0+"

git clone
cd MedVision
python develop  # recommended
# or
pip install -e .  # -e : editable, sometimes may cause cpu 100%

测试环境 (Tested Environment)

cuda torch gcc
9.0 1.6.0 5.4
10.1 1.7.1 7.5
10.2 1.8.1 7.5
11.1 1.11.0 7.5
11.8 2.0.0 11.4 ✅ *

*: kaggle T4

提示 (Tips)

  1. AT_CHECK was not declared in this scope

For torch 1.5+, AT_CHECK is replaced with TORCH_CHECK, so if your torch version > 1.5 ,

#ifndef AT_CHECK

at the beginning of the .cu code.

  1. debug in CUDA
#include <stdio.h>

printf("Hello from block %d, thread %d\n", a, b);
  1. .contiguous() is very import in roi align!

  2. CUDA Too many resources requested for launch

    "Too Many Resources Requested for Launch - This error means that the number of registers available on the multiprocessor is being exceeded. Reduce the number of threads per block to solve the problem."

许可证 (License)

This framework is published under the Apache License Version 2.0.

致谢 (Acknowledge)


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