This is my first vim plugin.
This is a small vim plugin I've created to help with writing a screenplay using fountain syntax.
- Auto capitalization of screenplay elements.
- Quick shortcuts for adding notes, parentheticals, and centered text.
Thats it.
For vim-plug include the following in .vimrc
Plug 'Tinkergod/vim-fountain-tools', {'for': 'fountain'}
- leader+n for adding notes.
- leader+c for centered text.
- leader+p for parentheticals.(probably easier just physically press keys)
- Shift+nn for adding a note.
- Shift+cc for adding centered text.
- Shift+pp for adding parentheticals.
- Fix all problems associated with inserting special regex characters between scene elements.
- Create a keyboard shortcut for adding a title page or perhaps add one to the beginning of the file automatically if it doesn't exist.
- afterwriting program integration for live view of screenplay.
- Make it easy to remap keybindings.
If you find bugs create an issue or solve it and pull request.
Auto caps character names
Auto caps scene headings
Auto caps transitions
Adding notes
Adding centered text