Docker and Kubernetes on a Raspberry Pi.
Taken from
Start the Docker installer:
$ curl -sSL | sh
Set Docker to auto-start:
$ sudo systemctl enable docker
Start the Docker daemon:
$ sudo systemctl start docker
The Docker client can only be used by root or members of the docker group. Add pi or your equivalent user to the docker group:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker pi
$ docker version
$ docker run hello-world
Run busybox:
$ docker run busybox echo hello, world
$ docker run busybox pwd
$ docker run busybox ping
Run BusyBox shell:
$ docker run -it --rm busybox
List running containers:
$ docker ps
List all containers that have run:
$ docker ps --all
Create and start a container:
$ docker create hello-world
$ docker start -a <container reference>
Restart a stopped container:
$ docker start <container id>
Restart a stopped container; attach to STDOUT/STDERR:
$ docker start -a <container id>
Remove stopped containers, docker cache, etc.:
$ docker system prune