Crossfire Fork, Hero World Server/Maps/Arch
Experimental, Sponsored Fork
Optimised for player perminance
Contact tituss on Crossfire IRC to discuss participating in this project
Map modification:
pup_land incorperated into Bigworld
Bottomworld tiled to Bigworld hopefully becoming a globe
Mlab deloused of content unsuitable for public play and reintigrated
Greycastle rebalanced, reinigrated
Guilds downgraded to a more simple form
world_105_115 and surroundings modified
Death dimension in progress, currently Room of Return is complete
Current Mods:
Modifier crafting on all gear & weapons
Word_of_penalty spell used for returning to life from the death dimension
Coming Soon:
HP bars above mobs
Spell for making items unique
Method for turning on Permadeath/Hardcore Mode
Graveyard which generated a named gravesite upon the death of a Hardcore character
Further expansion of world by populating '/antarcticworld' and tiling it to the southern and northern boarders of Bigworld
Vertical expansion of buildable side of /world (bottomworld) to include elevated build levels and underground building levels connectable by buildable stairs
Necromancy Spell Set
Nix apartments from cities to encourage more use of Bottomworld build mechanics
More buildable archs