🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning and Data Science
💬 Ask me about Web Development, Data Analytics, Machine Learning
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⚡ Fun fact I am funny
🌱 I’m currently learning Machine Learning and Data Science
💬 Ask me about Web Development, Data Analytics, Machine Learning
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I am funny
This website is completely Manage students result. In this website you can enter and update student marks, Grade, parent details and so other information.
The programming part and database-level for agriculture websites and providing an accurate and up to date news, articles, blogs and pricing.
I make 3D object is project in the screen and move (x, y, z) axes. The point is moving 3D space.
Thanks for discussing you python data-structures algorithm and complete every algorithm and dsa topics.
This is a small game project. In this game anyone enter numerical number between 1-21 and this provide true or false value. Basically, this project is guessing number game.