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Patchwork in a container as an Ansible role

This is a containerized version of patchwork.


We are working on it. Unsuitable for production yet. Suggestions are welcome.


  • Docker engine is running.
  • Ansible is installed.


Create a playbook which will utilize this Ansible role. It can be as simple as:

- name: run Patchwork
  hosts: localhost
  - patchwork-container

For more info, see ./example/.

More info

The deployment utilizes Ansible playbook to deploy patchwork:

  1. The container image is created from the supplied Dockerfile.
    • This is done using Ansible module docker_image.
  2. postgresql is used as a database, namely centos/postgresql-96-centos7

Loading custom data into postgres

There are multiple ways of doing this: ideally, the playbook would support this (which it does not right now).

In the meantime, you can create an interactive shell in the postgres container, copy the file with sql commands in the data dir and execute from within the container:

$ sudo printf "SELECT 1;\n" >./db_data/load.sql

$ docker exec -ti patchwork-db bash

bash-4.2$ cat /var/lib/pgsql/data/load.sql | psql
(1 row)

You can also run psql interactively and check on the database:

bash-4.2$ psql
psql (9.6.5)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c patchwork
You are now connected to database "patchwork" as user "postgres".
patchwork=# \dt
                           List of relations
 Schema |                   Name                    | Type  |   Owner
 public | auth_group                                | table | patchwork
 public | auth_group_permissions                    | table | patchwork
 public | auth_permission                           | table | patchwork
 public | auth_user                                 | table | patchwork
 public | auth_user_groups                          | table | patchwork
 public | auth_user_user_permissions                | table | patchwork
 public | authtoken_token                           | table | patchwork
 public | django_admin_log                          | table | patchwork
 public | django_content_type                       | table | patchwork
 public | django_migrations                         | table | patchwork
 public | django_session                            | table | patchwork
 public | django_site                               | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_bundle                          | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_bundlepatch                     | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_check                           | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_comment                         | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_coverletter                     | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_delegationrule                  | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_emailconfirmation               | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_emailoptout                     | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_event                           | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_patch                           | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_patchchangenotification         | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_patchtag                        | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_person                          | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_project                         | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_series                          | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_seriespatch                     | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_seriesreference                 | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_state                           | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_submission                      | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_tag                             | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_userprofile                     | table | patchwork
 public | patchwork_userprofile_maintainer_projects | table | patchwork
(34 rows)

Future plans

  • Proper production deployment using gunicorn.
  • OpenShift deployment.


Containerized version of patchwork.








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