Material for The Mathematical Engineering of Deep Learning. See the actual book content on or (when it is out) purchase the book from CRC press.
This repository contains general supporting material for the book.
Below is a detailed list of the source code used for creating figures and tables in the book. We use Julia, Python, or R and the code is sometimes in stand alone files, sometimes in Jupyter notebooks, sometimes as R Markdown, and sometimes in Google Colab. Many of our static illustrations were created using TikZ by Ajay Hemanth and Vishnu Prasath with the source of their illustrations also available so you can adapt it for purposes.
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
1.1 | example | Python Google Colab |
1.3 | Architectures | TikZ(a), TikZ(b), TikZ(c), TikZ(d), TikZ(e), TikZ(f) |
1.4 | Neurons | TikZ(b), TikZ(d) |
1.5 | Data on earth | Julia |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
2.1 | Supervised Learning | TikZ |
2.2 | Unsupervised Learning | TikZ |
2.3 | Simple regression | R |
2.4 | Breast Cancer ROC curves | R |
2.5 | Least Squares | TikZ |
2.6 | Loss functions | Julia |
Table 2.1 | Linear MNIST classification | Julia |
2.7 | Gradient Descent Learning Rate | Python |
2.8 | Loss Landscape | R |
2.9 | Generalization and Training | TikZ or Julia |
2.10 | Polynomial fit | R |
2.11 | K-fold cross validation | TikZ |
2.12 | K-means clustering | R |
2.13 | K-means image segmentation | R |
2.14 | Breast Cancer PCA | R |
2.15 | SVD Compression | Julia |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
3.1 | Logistic regression model curves | R(a) R(b) |
3.2 | Linear decision boundary for logistic regression | R |
3.3 | Components of an artificial neuron | TikZ |
3.4 | Loss landscape of MSE vs. CE on logistic regression | Python |
3.5 | Evolution of gradient descent learning in logistic regression | R |
3.6 | Shallow multi-output neural network with softmax | TikZ |
3.7 | Multinomial regression for classification | R |
Table 3.1 | Different approaches for creating an MNIST digit classifier. | Julia |
3.8 | Feature engineering in simple logistic regression | R |
3.9 | Non-linear classification decision boundaries with feature engineering in logistic regression | R |
3.10 | Non-linear classification decision boundaries with feature engineering in multinomial regression | R |
3.11 | Single hidden layer autoencoder | TikZ |
3.12 | Autoencoder projections of MNIST including using PCA | R TikZ |
3.13 | Manifolds and autoencoders | R TikZ |
3.14 | MNIST using autoencoders | R |
3.15 | Denoising autoencoder | TikZ |
3.16 | Interpolations with autoencoders | Julia |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
4.1 | Convexity and local/global extrema | Python |
4.2 | Gradient descent with a time dependent learning rate | Python |
4.3 | Stochastic gradient descent | Python |
4.4 | Early stopping in deep learning | Julia |
4.5 | Non-convex loss landscapes | Python |
4.6 | Momentum enhancing gradient descent | Python |
4.7 | The computational graph for automatic differentiation | TikZ |
4.8 | Line search concepts | Python |
4.9 | The zig-zagging property of line search (zoom in) | Python |
4.10 | Newton's method in one dimension | Python |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
5.1 | Fully Connected Feedforward Neural Networks | TikZ(a), TikZ(b) |
5.2 | Arbitrary function approximation with neural nets | Julia |
5.3 | Binary classification with increasing depth | R |
5.4 | A continuous multiplication gate with 4 hidden units | TikZ |
5.5 | Several common scalar activation functions | Julia |
5.6 | Flow of information in general back propagation | TikZ |
5.7 | Simple neural network hypothetical example | TikZ |
5.8 | Flow of information in standard neural network back propagation | TikZ |
5.9 | Computational graph for batch normalization | TikZ |
5.10 | The effect of dropout | TikZ |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
6.1 | TBD |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
7.1 | TBD |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
8.1 | TBD |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
9.1 | TBD |
Figure | Topic | Source Code |
10.1 | TBD |