Releases: Trexounay/EnderLilies.Randomizer
[WIP] Randomizer Archipelago v0.8.1AP for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6 (fix)
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
Currently working on Archipelago multiworld randomizer integration
To use it you should grab the Ender Lilies world and generate a seed then you can use their website to host a game
To join the AP server use new Archipelago tab in randomizer settings or right click on LiveSplit->Controls->Connect
Hotfixes a bug with autobreak feature getting enabled if you start with a melee main weapon
Added "Enemy rebalance" setting to scale down chapter locked enemies
Added Momument of the Wind as a possible starting location (will start with left gate opened)
Added a functional respite in Outset
Shortcut globes will automatically be destroyed when spawning with a weapon unable to destroy them
Updated unused relics name and icons (they now use the most similar relic name and icon)
Updated Archipelago.Multiclient version
Shuffle enemies no longer forces gauntlet to open (hopefully that doesnt cause issues)
Heavy boulder custom relic is back
More fixes and code cleanup
This is a work in progress release, bugs are to be expected, please let us know if you find any, thanks !
[WIP] Randomizer Archipelago v0.6AP for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
Currently working on Archipelago multiworld randomizer integration
To use it you should grab the Ender Lilies world and generate a seed then you can use their website to host a game
To join the AP server use new Archipelago tab in randomizer settings or right click on LiveSplit->Controls->Connect
Fixed big seed number from AP resulting in same BGM/relic cost/upgrade shuffle (even for bigger numbers)
Fixed not receiving previous items when re-starting an existing AP on a new fresh save slot
Fixed seed file not generating when there wasn't a loadout to load
Added sending starting spirit check to archipelago when starting the game
Added starting items from Archipelago
Updated Archipelago.Multiclient version
Updated logic
This is a work in progress release, bugs are to be expected, please let us know if you find any, thanks !
[WIP] Randomizer Archipelago v0.5AP for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
Currently working on Archipelago multiworld randomizer integration
To use it you should grab the Ender Lilies world and generate a seed then you can use their website to host a game
To join the AP server use new Archipelago tab in randomizer settings or right click on LiveSplit->Controls->Connect
Added outset (starting location) as a fast travel destination
Fixed big seed number from AP resulting in same BGM/relic cost/upgrade shuffle
This is a work in progress release, bugs are to be expected, please let us know if you find any, thanks !
[WIP] Randomizer Archipelago v0.4AP for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
Currently working on Archipelago multiworld randomizer integration
To use it you should grab the Ender Lilies world and generate a seed then you can use their website to host a game
To join the AP server use new Archipelago tab in randomizer settings or right click on LiveSplit->Controls->Connect
Added remote items notification in game
Added item UI when picking up a remote item
This is a work in progress release, bugs are to be expected, please let us know if you find any, thanks !
[WIP] Randomizer Archipelago v0.3AP for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
Currently working on Archipelago multiworld randomizer integration
To use it you should grab the Ender Lilies world and generate a seed then you can use their website to host a game
To join the server use new Archipelago tab in randomizer settings
Added support for normal options sent by Archipelago
This is a work in progress release, bugs are to be expected, please let us know if you find any, thanks !
Release Rando v2.3.2 for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
- Logic tweak for meta
- background music shuffle, relic cost shuffle and spirits upgrade shuffle can now be turned on individually on the same seed
- Logic update to separate room entrance from exits (mostly relevant for room/progress you fall into/climb to)
- Fixed progress items not required in meta staying in original bosses
Rando v2.2.1 for ENDER LILIES 1.1.6
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
- Added an option to spawn at crossroad
- Added support for version 1.1.6 of the game
- Logic update
Rando v2.1.8 for ENDER LILIES 1.1.5
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
- Added a background music randomize option
- Logic update
Rando v2.1.7 for ENDER LILIES 1.1.5
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
- Added a string setting alongside the seed number to share your settings
- Few UI adjustment to accommodate for different windows fonts
- Logic update
Rando v2.1.6 for ENDER LILIES 1.1.5
Installation :
Before anything you should backup your save files (just in case) located in : %LOCALAPPDATA%\EnderLilies\Saved\SaveGames
- Donwload LiveSplit
- Extract in the "Components" Folder of your LiveSplit installation (Picture)
- To Enable it in LiveSplit, go to "Edit Layout" -> "( + )" -> "Control" -> "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" (Picture)
- Configure any settings by double clicking "Randomizer for Ender Lilies" in the list
- Launch Ender Lilies as you would normally do (keep LiveSplit open)
Auto tracking available with Poptracker & Ender Lilies' pack
- Added the option to launch Ender Lilies from LiveSplit (You need to start the game manually at least once and save your LiveSplit loadout)
- Added an option to shuffle what each spirit requires for upgrade
- Fixed an issue with subspirit increasing difficulty chapter
- Removed some breakable doors/pots when spawning with one of the summon or a parry spirit