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This library (right click save as) is a full 3Dprinting workflow solution for openSCAD v.21 and above. There are a lot of settings available but most is using pre configuration - so you can start with the template but also just with include<ub.scad>. Some Examples

🌐But why would you need it? Best to judge from what you can accomplish - i build this lib to make these Prints

🔥 the console (text output) give you some feedback from the lib and modules.
The idea is that you can use this without ever looking at the libraries code (modules) itself.

use helpsw=true; (1-5 or true for all) to get a list of available modules
On the top you see some variables like nozzle or clearance aswell fragments (which will change automatically when rendering like some other variables).

Also every module Example() has an internal help, use: Example(help=true);
Additional there are informations displayed on the console window. When giving a name to module Example(name="Test"); they are emphasized. For a little suprise put in your name.

and switches to show the status



name="myProject"; shows a name

nozzle=.4; defines the nozzle and walls or perimeters

layer=.2; defines the layer hight

vp=false; if you want a fixed viewport

anima=false; use in animations - for viewing animation the animation view in oscad need to be active)

  • tset allows to simulate a value when anima=false and then replaces $t in following variables
  • t is $t
  • t0 rotation 360 deg
  • t1 -1 ⇔ 1 ( 0↦1↦0↦-1↦0 )
  • t2 0 ⇔ 1 ( 0↦1↦0 )
  • t3(wert,grad=360,delta) allow phase shift in wert × sin($t × grad + delta)

bed=true; showing a print bed and center at printPos

printBed=[220,220]; set your print bed size

hires=false; switches higher resolution on (render only)

show=0; show objects like a nozzle width cylinder

spiel=.2; define clearance / padding

$info=false disable info text for all active nameless modules

$helpM=true show all active modules help

helpsw=1 show the help (1-5)

useVersion=21.325 will help to mark which version was used for your design and can improve compatibility



  • T(x,y,z) translates
  • R(x,y,z) rotates
  • M() skew (multmatrix)
  • Linear() linear copies
  • Polar() polar copies
  • Grid() grid copies
  • HexGrud()interlaced grid copies
  • MKlon() mirror clone
  • Klon() clone
  • Rund() round polygons
  • Scale() scale axis±
  • Drehpunkt() vulcrum for rotations
  • Halb() cut Objects half
  • Rand() creates border on polygons
  • Row() places $d size copies with same space





Open polygons


Open objects


Open products


  • Gewinde() creates a thread inner or outer
  • DRing() D-Ring
  • BB() Ballbearing or roller bearing
  • Glied() Hinge
    • DGlied1() double hinge A
    • DGlied2() double hinge B
  • SRing() Sicherungsring Retaining ring (push on)
  • Luer() Luer taper female/male
  • Pin() Bolt (snap/clip in)
  • Halbrund() Half-round arbor
  • Cring() C-ring
  • GT2Pulley() GT2 Pulley
  • CyclGetriebe() Cycloidal gear (inner or outer)
  • Klammer() Clamp
  • KBS() Klemmbaustein - Construction block ( like LEGO™ )
  • Tugel() Half hollow sphere half torus
  • Ąchshalter() Shaft/axle/spindle clamp
  • Achsenklammer() holder for 2 cylinder or roller (spring load)
  • PCBcase() makes a Case with lid for PCB (also in existing geometries)
  • Gardena() Quick connect garden hose fitting adapter
  • Bitaufnahme() Screwdriver hex-bit adapter
  • Knochen() Bone shaped structure element / Strut with equal height
  • Servokopf() printable Servo head connector ( 15 pointed star )
  • Balg() Gaiter (square )
  • SpiralCut() cutting geometry for walled spiral prints (e.g for a ring)




  • l(x) № layer in mm depending on layer=

  • n(x,nozzle) wall / perimeter depending on nozzle=

  • Inkreis( eck, rU) inner circle of n-gon

  • Umkreis( eck, rI) outer circle of n-gon

  • Hypotenuse( a, b) length

  • Kathete( hyp, kat) length

  • Sehne( n, r, a) length n-eck/alpha winkel

  • RotLang( rot, l, z, e, lz) [polar vector] (e=elevation)

  • kreisXY(r=5, grad=0) [vector]

  • TangentenP(grad, rad, r) distance tangential point

  • Hexstring(c=[r, g, b]) #hexcolor

  • RotPoints(grad,points) rotates points

  • gradB(b, r) degree for arc section b

  • gradS(s, r) degree for chord s

  • runden(x, dec=2) round x at decimal

  • radiusS(n, s, a) radius for chord s on n-gon or for angle

  • grad(grad=0,min=0,sec=0,h=0,prozent=0,gon=0,rad=0) conversion everything in degree

  • inch(inch) Inch⇒mm

  • kreisbogen(r, grad=360) length of an arc r

  • fs2fn(r, grad=360,fs=fs,minf=3)

  • vektorWinkel(p1, p2, twist=0) rotation vector3 between two points

  • v3(v) makes v a vector3

  • parentList( start=1, n= -1) list with all modules

  • teiler( n, div=2) least divisior

  • gcode( points, f) generates gcode in output

  • b( n) switches bool in num and vica versa (works on vectors too)

  • scaleGrad(grad=45, h=1, r=1) scale factor for extrusions h of circle(r) to obtain angle grad at sides

  • m( r=[0,0,0], t=[0,0,0] ) mulmatrix vector

  • mPoints(points, r, t, s) transform (rotate translate scale ) point or points (2D/3D)

  • wall(soll=.5,min=1.25,even=false,nozzle=nozzle) calculates perimeter for "soll" according to nozzle size

  • vMult(v1=[1],v2=1) multiplicates vectors v1.x × v2.x …

  • vSum(v,start,end) addition of vector constituents from start to end

  • pathLength(points,close=false) calculates the sum length of segments (perimeter)

  • stringChunk(txt,start,length,string) extract string parts

  • wall(soll,min,even,line) create width as multiple of line

  • scene(scenes=2,t=$t) creates an array of t for animation segments

  • map(val,from=[0,1],to=[0,1],contrain=true) maps val from ↦ to [low,high]

  • Points generating

    • pathPoints(points,path,twist=0,scale=1,open=true) points along path
    • kreis(r=10, rand=+5, grad=360, grad2=+0, fn=fn, center=true, sek=true, r2=0, rand2=0, rcenter=0, rot=0, t=[0,0]) points circle or arc
    • bezier( t, p0=[0,0], p1=[-20,20], p2=[20,20], p3=[0,0]) single point for t=[0:.1:1]
    • tetra( r ) tetrahedron points
    • 5gon(b1=20, l1=15, b2=10, l2=30) points for a pentagon
    • zigZag(e=5,x=50,y=5,mod=2,delta=+0,base=2,shift=0) points
    • vollwelle() ⇒ Vollwelle(help=1) points
    • quad(x, y, r, fn) Quad polygon points x can be vector [x,y] r can be list
    • stern(e, r1, r2, mod, delta) Stern polygon points, mod sets additonal points delta moves between
    • octa(s) octahedron points (s can be list)
    • star(e=5,r1=10,r2=5,grad=[0,0],grad2,radial=false,fn=0,z,angle=360,rot=0) star points ⇒ Star polygon
    • superellipse(n=2.5,r=10,z,fn=fn points for a superellipse
    • kreisSek(r,grad) points circle part
    • naca(l,naca,m,p,t,fn,z) NACA profile
    • nut() points for grooves
    • involute(r,grad) points involutes
    • riemen() points for two connected circles
    • sq(size,fn) points square subdivided
    • bend(points) bending points polar
    • polyRund(points,r,ir,ofs,delta,fn,fs) offset and round points
    • revP(points) reverse points order