CRAFT v3.0
This CRAFT v3.0 release consists of 67 full-text, open-access biomedical journal articles and gold-standard annotations of them along multiple axes, specifically: sentence segmentation, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, markup of dependency structures, treebanking, markup of coreferential noun phrases, markup of document sections and typography, and annotation of concepts represented in ten Open Biomedical Ontologies (the Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology, Cell Ontology, Gene Ontology Biological Process, Gene Ontology Cellular Component, Gene Ontology Molecular Function, Molecular Process Ontology, NCBI Taxonomy, Protein Ontology, Sequence Ontology, and the Uberon anatomical ontology). Also included are the versions of the ontologies used for the concept annotations and various text files useful for comparing automatically generated concept annotations to this gold standard.