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Map Wall Design

Luke-Cronin edited this page Oct 21, 2021 · 6 revisions

About this page

This wiki page describes the iteration of wall designs for sprint 2. This wiki page will be updated in future sprints as the wall design is improved and altered from user feedback and suggestions.

The following sections described further below include:

  • Base Design and Creation of Wall Textures
  • Recolouring of Wall textures
  • Design Iterations with in-game view
  • Final in-game Wall Texture (Sprint 2)

Base Design and Creation of Wall Textures

For the wall design, it was a lot easier for implementation in the game to make the walls fill an entire isometric tile

The design process was as follows:

  • Create Base Layer Using Isometric Tile Template

Base iso

  • Add second tile to double the design height

two iso tiles

  • Make Cube

Black cube

  • Colourize black cube to look 3D



Base Wall Design

This was done to making the wall tile look 3D by colouring each side different shades of the same colour.

Naming Convention and File Type

The wall sprites are saved in tiles or objects folder The wall design tile 'sprites' are saved in the same image format type '.png' file.

Design Iterations

Red Wall (Initial Wall Block Design)

This was the first iteration of the block wall design to test out the different colouring and shading and size of the walls. The user feedback was quite positive on the size and shading but the colouring needed to represent the theme more.

In-game Red

Wall Red with door

Pink Wall Design Iteration

After initial user testing with the red wall design, feedback suggested that it would be better to have a more relevant wall design and colour which links in well with the theme of 80s pixel and retro. This introduced the pink and cream wall designs

Pink Wall Design

Cream Wall Design Iteration

It was decided through user testing and feedback that the cream wall design is too light and a darker design is much better as it suits the nighttime 80s theme more closely.

Cream Wall Design

In-game representation of the cream walls. Cream Wall Design in-game

Colourful Wallpaper Shapes Design

The idea for this design was to make a more appropriate design which links in with the 80s theme. An initial 2D representation was created and then a 3D model/design.

2D Shapes Design

This was the design for the wallpaper texture that the 3D wall texture was based on. 2D shapes design

wallpaper design1 wallpaper design2

Dark Wallpaper Design Light Wallpaper Design

There was also this colour palette of wall designs.

Colourful colour wallpapers

Final in-game Wall Texture (Sprint 2)

This was the chosen final wall design for Sprint 2 and there were also a large variation of colour choices which were user tested but there was inconclusive evidence to suggest an alternate improved design.

Final Wall Design sprint2

Final in-game Interior Wall Texture (Sprint 4)

Final in-game Exterior Wall Texture (Sprint 4)

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