MOVES3.1 is a minor revision to MOVES3. It adds an inspection and maintenance (I/M) program benefit for hydrocarbon, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions for Class 2b and 3 gasoline trucks. This benefit was missing in previous versions of MOVES. Since these trucks have similar engine technology and aftertreatment systems and can undergo the same inspection tests, these trucks will now receive the same proportional I/M benefit for exhaust emissions as lighter gasoline trucks.
The use of MOVES3.1 for regulatory analyses is voluntary; for example, where significant work has been done with a previous MOVES3 version prior to MOVES3.1, that work can be completed. However, MOVES3.1 should be used if/when modelers are:
- using MOVES for the first time;
- conducting regulatory analyses that include gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks, such as performance standard modeling to demonstrate that a vehicle emission I/M program meets the applicable performance standard;
- or estimating emissions for a transportation conformity analysis or for a SIP for an area where the I/M program includes gasoline passenger and light commercial trucks (of any regulatory class).
Otherwise, MOVES3 modelers can continue to use previous versions of MOVES3. For more information about regulatory uses of MOVES, see the MOVES3 Policy Guidance which applies to all versions of MOVES3.
This update is considered a minor revision, rather than a patch, because it may affect onroad criteria pollutant emissions in some areas with I/M programs. However, it will not substantially change onroad criteria emissions rates at the County Scale, and it is not considered a new model for State Implementation Plan or transportation conformity purposes. Users should continue to follow the MOVES Technical Guidance that requires modelers at County and Project Scale to review and update the relevant I/M coverage inputs to reflect the latest I/M assumptions in regulatory analyses.