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Rule Commands

Logan Willis edited this page Nov 12, 2021 · 1 revision


The application commands /rule official title terms:[terms] and /rule unofficial title terms:[terms] are used to query Rules Reference entries or community-made keywords by title. The wrapper syntax (([terms])) can be used as a shorthand for the former, but there is no shorthand for the latter. If more than one result is found for the terms that are queried, a select menu will appear to allow the user to choose their intended rule result. If a single result is found or after a selection is made, that rule result will be returned.


Cerebro utilizes the following terminology for card commands:

  • official — Any entry in the Rules Reference that has been officially printed by Fantasy Flight Games.
  • unofficial — Any keyword that has been created by a member of the Marvel Champions community with no affiliation to Fantasy Flight Games.
  • title — The title of the Rules Reference entry or community-made keyword.


There are two application commands that allow users to query for card results:

  • /rule official title terms:[terms]
  • /rule unofficial title terms:[terms]

When executed, these commands will query the database for official or unofficial rules — based on the provided flag — whose title matches the provided [terms]. If a single matching rule is found, that rule result will be returned immediately. If more than one matching rule is found, the user will be presented with a select menu that will allow them to choose the rule result which they intended to retrieve. After a select menu is displayed, there is a 45-second timeout before it vanishes and a rule result can no longer be retrieved. *

Rule Select Menu Collapsed Rule Select Menu Expanded

When a rule result is returned — either as a result of a single match to the provided query or because a selection was made from the select menu — it will look similar to the image below.

Sample Rule Result

* There is a known issue wherein making a selection from the menu will sometimes result in a failed interaction. If this happens, merely re-select the desired result until the interaction succeeds.

Failed Interaction

Wrapper Syntax

The first command described above can be executed using wrapper syntax. A query for official rules by title can be accomplished by wrapping the query terms in two sets of parentheses — i.e. (([terms])). At this time, there is no wrapper syntax for the second command, so it must always be used as an application command. By default, Cerebro evaluates all messages posted within channels in which it has visibility for instances of this wrapper syntax — meaning that the wrapper syntax can be used conversationally. An example of this would be I love the ((Retaliate)) keyword so much. — a message that would be evaluated to execute the command /rule official title terms:Retaliate.

Cerebro is designed to evaluate all instances of the wrapper syntax it discovers. This means that multiple queries can be made within a single message. An example of this would be I just had a run-in with a minion that had the ((Guard)) AND ((Patrol)) keywords! — a message that would be evaluated to execute two commands: /rule official title terms:Guard and /rule official title terms:Patrol.

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