Used for maintaining information about services connected to SAML, OIDC and LDAP.
Allows registration of new services by the users and validation of information by IdP admins, before transferring metadata to production.
- ansible : Ansible files for test environment installation
- auth : Login templates and Shibboleth authentication backend for Django
- features : Tests using behave
- requirements : requirements files for development and production
- rr : main SP Resource Registry program
- fixtures : json fixtures for models
- forms : forms
- locale : Finnish translations
- management : command line tools
- migrations : database migration history
- models : database models
- serializers: serializer for API
- static : static files
- templates : templates
- templatetags : template functions
- testdata : generated data for tests
- tests : unit tests
- utils : generic functions, i.e. metadata generation and parsing
- views : views
- views_api : views for API
- settings : settings for development and production
Project uses Django admin docs for development documentation:
Users log with SSO. Staff and faculty affiliations will get automatic activation, you will have to activate others through Django admin backend.
You may add local accounts with Django admin backend
Create a superuser with "./ createsuperuser" command
- Service Providers
- Lists all user's services / all services for site admins
- Click the entityID for more information
- Anyone who has access to site, can create a new service provider
- Allows creating, resetting and removing API key.
- Summary
- SP summary and possible modifications since last validation.
- Validation for site admins
- Possibility to remove SP, if it is validated and not in production or test use
- Basic Information
- Basic administrative information and notes
- Admin notes is only shown here if admin. It is shown to users in Summary view
- Technical Attributes
- Technical attributes like entity_id, publishing to production etc.
- Entity Id must be in URI format and unique in the system
- Site admins may override the URI requirement
- Technical attributes like entity_id, publishing to production etc.
- Attributes
- Attribute requisitions and reasons for them
- Only listing attributes that are marked for publishing
- Certificates (SAML only)
- Certificates for the service
- SAML Endpoints (SAML only)
- Allows only SAML2 bindings, admins may override this with metadata import
- User Groups (LDAP only)
- List of groups that service has access
- Redirect URIs (OIDC only)
- Allowed redirect URIs for OIDC
- Contacts
- Technical, administrative and support contacts for the service
- Admins
- SP admins who can access and modify this SP in the registy
- New admins may be invited by email, invitations are valid for 30 days
- Permission groups management
- Test Users
- Custom test users for test services
- View Metadata (SAML and OIDC only)
- Shows SP metadata. You may choose between validated and unvalidated metadata
- Login Statistics (SAML only)
- Show daily login statistics
- Attributes
- All attributes in the service
- By clicking the attribute, you get list of SPs requesting it
- Modification through Django Admin backend
- Certificates
- Lists expired and less than 2048 bit certificates
- SAML Special Configs
- SAML configuration summaries
- non-default signing and encryption
- NameId settings
- MFA and authorization
- SAML products
- SAML configuration summaries
- SAML Login Summary
- Login statistics for SAML services
- Emails
- Sending email to server admins. Templates are managed in django admin
- Manage SAML metadata
- Saves updated SAML metadata to git repository
- Manage LDAP metadata
- Saves updated LDAP metadata to git repository
- Manage OIDC metadata
- Saves updated OIDC metadata to git repository
- Database Admin
- Django Admin backend
For more information run "./ -h"
- cleandb
- Cleans old services or personal information from the db
- decryptclientsecret
- Decrypt client secrets from OIDC metadata (if encrypted)
- exportattributefilter
- Exporting SAML attribute filter
- exportldap
- Exports LDAP registrations data (custom format)
- exportmetadata
- Exporting SAML metadata
- exportoidc
- Exporting OIDC metadata in JSON format
- importattributefilter
- Importing attributes from old attribute filter
- importmetadata
- Importing metadata from file
- importstatistics
- Importing statistics from external database
- nslookup
- Checks that service URLs exist
Almost everything is also available through REST API, using Token or Session authentication. Users can manage their API tokens with browser UI.
API documentation is available in path swagger/ for authenticated users.
- Django 4.2
- Python 3.8-3.11
- MySQL 8+ / MariaDB 10.4+
- Requires dev libraries for Python and MySQL/MariaDB for compiling Python mysqlclient.
Use black and isort for formatting and sorting imports.
Vagrantfile with Ansible provisioning is provided for test environment.
- Install vagrant ( and set up Provider like VirtualBox
- Run command "vagrant up" (and wait for it to set up)
- Open https://localhost:8443/ in browser (browser complains about security risk as self-signed certificate is used)
- Use local login with user admin, password RandomPass12
Shibboleth and attribute test service are not included.
Steps for creating development environment.
- cmd: git clone
- cmd: cd sp-registry
- cmd: python3 -m venv venv
- cmd: source venv/bin/activate
- cmd: pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
- Requires dev libraries for Python and MySQL/MariaDB for compiling Python mysqlclient.
- cmd: cp settings/ settings/
- Create mysql database, test database and user
- create database registry;
- create user registry@localhost identified by 'registry';
- grant all privileges on registry.* to registry@localhost;
- grant all privileges on test_registry.* to registry@localhost;
- Edit settings/ to match DB settings, unless you used the example above
- run tests: ./ test
- run browser tests: ./ behave --settings=settings.development
- Requires Firefox and geckodriver for headless tests.
- Apply database schema: ./ migrate
- Compile translations: ./ makemessages
- Create superuser: ./ createsuperuser
- run development server: ./ runserver --settings=settings.development
- You need to add ALLOWED_HOSTS to settings/ unless using development settings.
./ test
For behaviour testing with browser automation: ./ behave --settings=settings.development
Splinter is used for automated browser tests. Install Firefox and geckodriver for headless tests:
Similar to creating development environment.
To modify logging, copy to and edit it to match your requirements.
Program uses following attributes:
- sn
- givenName
- eduPersonPrincipalName (or other unique ID for usernames)
- eduPersonAffiliation (staff and faculty groups are given permission to add new SPs)
Attributes are mapped in
Redirect Shibboleth SP errors to /error/
Example of Apache WSGI configuration
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
WSGIDaemonProcess user=appuser group=appuser python-home=/path/to/venv python-path=/path/to/sp-registry
WSGIScriptAlias / /path/to/sp-registry/rr/
Alias /static/ /path/to/sp-registry/static/
<Directory /path/to/sp-registry/static>
Require all granted
<Directory /path/to/sp-registry>
Require all granted
<Location />
AuthType shibboleth
Require shibboleth
<Location /Shibboleth.sso>
SetHandler shib
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars
Attribute test service lists all user's attributes and validates them against the optional regex filters.
Attributes shown in the test service, validation regex and Shibboleth environment variable names are defined in Attribute model objects. Non-public attributes are only listed if user has some value in the attribute.
This service can be made available in different Apache virtual host by pointing it to the It should also have its own Shibboleth ApplicationOverride, with all the attributes enabled.
./ test
For behaviour testing with browser automation: ./ behave --settings=settings.test Behaviour tests usually take 3-4 minutes to run.
Splinter is required for browser automation tests. Install Firefox and geckodriver for headless tests:
External SAML IdP may be used as a test service but configuration depends on the IdP solution and requires that IdP can use SQL database for user and attribute queries.
- Metadata is reloaded with timed management script
- Users are checked from the TestUsers table
- Access to specific service is checked from the TestUser valid_for table
- Attributes are checked from the TestUserData table