Humanoid robot project aiming to create a working humanoid for academic purposes
Technical assumptions
- 3D printed (mostly PETG, black, blue, orange, grey)
- decentralised processing with main processing unit being the Raspberry Pi 4
- arduinos to handle sensors and motoric control
- not the whole robot needs a skeleton
- reinforcement learning mechanisms working in order to learn to e.g. walk
- 1.1m tall - not a big robot in order to easier balance regaining
- chatbot can be based on chatGPT or other pretrained transformer (check hugging face)
- speech modules based on ANN
- reinforcement learning -> training in symulation
Ongoing considerations
- construction of the joints
- specifici stepper motors and servos
- types of cameras used (can I afford a depth camera)
- how exactly should the hand be constructed? issues around mobility and servos amonts leading to an increase in forearm weight
- can artificial muscles be included
- how can I make the fingers feel something - solution from inMoove?
- lidar sensors in the chest
Style Facts
- the robot will be based on my robotic avatar
- rather light, simple style to reduce weight
Other important things
- you can do this Alex, just breathe
- next stages of work concentrare more on the algorithms and general structure so that I can actually go forward
Onshape Link: