Demonstration and practice code for a tutorial on the parallel programming frameworks OpenMP and MPI. The files ending with '' are Slurm batch submission files.
Make sure you have done the equivalent of the following: module load 2022 module load OpenMPI/4.1.4-GCC-11.3.0
File: hello.c Simple 'Hello world' program to check that sequential compilation works.
File: hello-omp.c Simple 'Hello world' program with OpenMP multi-threading.
File: primes-omp.c Count the number of primes in a given range of integers (the range is hard-coded in the program). As provided this is a sequential program, but add one or two OpenMP annotations to it, and you have a parallel program!
File: primes-mpi.c Another way to count primes, this times parallelized with MPI.
File: stencil-mpi.c A stencil computation using MPI.