Skyviper Autonomous Drone Project code Repository
Drone Project Code Python Script and Other Files Raspberry Pi Zero Dependencies:
Librealsense - use this link: If error occurs when following these instructions regarding illegal instruction, follow steps in this link: IntelRealSense/librealsense#3490
Drone script taken directly from and adapted to use dronekit and without some extra features, make sure that code is understood before this one, as it is more complete.
When Debug Enabled in the script, messages are printed to console, and t265 data is logged to text file. The other python file, where the filename of the text file in the first line of code can be changed to graph the t265 xyz data.
Current Issues:
Drone Climbs/Falls when set to "LOITER" Mode after taking off manually Possible Fixes:
- Don't use Loiter - Stay in stabilize and have code write manual attitude/thrust commands
- Change Drone Paramters to change alt source
- Change altitude being sent to drone from code (send_pos function)