An URL query-based API redirection tool to Dr. Joseph Ecker's (SALK) DAP-Seq Genome browser.
DAP-Seq API @ Bio-Analytic Resource for Plant Biology
Redirects user to DNA Affinity Purification (DAP)-Seq A. th. genome browser based on query parameter of TF and target gene. That is, our API will create the necessary beautified options in the genome browser such as target gene locus to allow for quicker, streamlined data visualization. Note that the authors performed some replicates on certain TFs on A. th. Col-0. For more information on the DAP-Seq method, please see the seminal paper. API happily made with expressjs (Pug for templating).
- URL Example
URL Params
`target=[TARGETGENEAGI]` // e.g. At2g48010 `TF=[TFGENEAGI]` // e.g. At1g44830
Success Response:
Redirection to DAP-Seq SALK genome browser with modified options...
TFs with replicates will show more than one track
Code: 200
Error Response:
Content: Basic HTML describing error. For example for an incorrect AGI syntax:
Incorrect AGI!
Vincent Lau (design/dev), Rachel Woo (creating JSON), Huaming Chen (Ecker lab genome browser), thanks to NSERC Canada and Dr. Nicholas Provart for funding.
Last updated: May 2019 (also check Git commits)
API ReadMe template credits:
Maintainer Notes:
- API that uses our geneslider API to determine the target gene locus, then uses a lookup table (JSON file) to find the appropriate track_id to create and redirect user to Ecker lab's browser. Use
DEBUG='express*,dap-seq-nodejs-api*' nodemon npm start
to start server. Port 3003 should be opened and forwarded if using Apache/NGINX. `
- API that uses our geneslider API to determine the target gene locus, then uses a lookup table (JSON file) to find the appropriate track_id to create and redirect user to Ecker lab's browser. Use