Added switch expression support
Added decompiled code formatting (Thanks Earthcomputer!)
Added proper try-with-resource return support
Fixed try with resources statements inlining statements when it shouldn't
Added comments to decompiled code when there are oddities, such as finally blocks failing to inline
Added support for eclipse switch-on-enum
Added bytecode dumping on error (Thanks skyrising!)
Added exception dumping on error (Thanks skyrising!)
Added link to Quiltflower issue tracker on error
Added toggle for override annotation
Improved linemapping
Improved initializers not being inlined when they needed a static qualification in a lambda (Thanks skyrising!)
Fixed empty infinite loops composed of 2+ gotos failing to decompile
Fixed decompiling from the command line creating files instead of folders
Fixed created jars having extra folder entries saved as files
Fixed certain errors being able to cause classes to not be decompiled
Fixed classes in pre 1.0 java not being parsed
Fixed enums being marked as sealed (Thanks skyrising!)
Fixed recursive lambdas causing stackoverflow
Fixed references to inner classes in other classes breaking the entire method
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