Labs content for 2017 QMUL MSc Bioinformatics BIO782P (Stats & bioinformatics) module
Day | Date | Lecture | Lab | Goals | Assessment |
1 | Monday 6th November 2017 | Introduction: Statistics and Bioinformatics | Introduction to R | Why bioinformatics is statistical; How to use R; Basic exploratory analyses | Simply plot data |
2 | Tuesday 7th November 2017 | Basic statistics | Chi-squared, Student T | Simple summary measures | Mean; median; contingency tables; difference statistics and Cis |
3 | Weds 8th November 2017 | ANOVA and LMs | ANOVA and LMs | ANOVA, regression | Anova, regression |
4 | Thursday 9th November 2017 | General linear models | GLM I | GLMs, error, interactions | GLMs |
5 | Friday 10th November 2017 | More GLMs: Selection, experimental design, assumptions | GLM II | Model selection | Appropriate selection, main assessment |
6 | Monday 13th November 2017 | What is a model? | Simulation; phylogenetics | Modelling context | Simulation |
7 | Tuesday 14th November 2017 | Beyond GLMs | (Rob VI) | Beyond GLMs in para space | None |
8 | Wednesday 15th November 2017 | Big data bioinformatics | Regex; Group project | Issues in big data (reproducibility; FDR; power/effect size; distributions) | Group project (low weighting) |
9 | Thursday 16th November 2017 | The toolbox | Docker, grids and the cloud | Where to find more tools/resources. Architectures | Dockerfile |
10 | Friday 17th November 2017 | Looking further | My favourite package' symposium | Wider context | None |