This library is a minimalistic Scala version of the CMA-ES algorithm as described in
this paper. The implementation is not as full as Java version of the
algorithm however it provides certain benefits compared to the latter one:
- This implementation is more compact and straightforward.
- In Scala version objective function can be evaluated in parallel. This might help to reduce optimization time if it takes long time to compute your fitness function.
- The strategy implementation is stateless and idempotent.
This project can be built with sbt 0.13. Add these lines to your SBT project definition:
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("volodymyr-orlov", "maven")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.sungevity" %% "cma-es-scala" % "1.0.2"
Here is a minimal working example.:
import com.sungevity.cmaes._
import breeze.linalg._
val rosenbrock = ParallelObjectiveFunction ({ // a non-convex function we want to optimize
case x: DenseVector[Double] => {
(for (i <- 0 until x.length - 1) yield {
100 * (x(i) * x(i) - x(i + 1)) * (x(i) * x(i) - x(i + 1)) +
(x(i) - 1.0) * (x(i) - 1.0);
val driver = CMAESDriver(rosenbrock) // instantiate a driver
val result = driver.optimize(5, // population size
5, // search space size
0.05, // initial value
0.2, // initial standard deviation
iterationsExceeded(6000) orElse lowVariance(1e-14) orElse minFitnessReached(1e-14) orElse proceed // stop condition